Thursday, December 5, 2019

NYK Joins DecarbonICE Project Transforming Exhaust CO2 Into Dry Ice

The international DecarbonICE project will be joined by NYK. Under this project a feasibility study will be conducted in order to capture the carbon onboard as dry ice and store it in seafloor sediments.

For the achievement of the target of IMO to reduce the emission of CO2 to 50% by 2050, the maritime industry has been searching for solutions that are carbon free.

Thus, zero carbon solutions such as alternate low carbon fuels like LNG which can be used instead of heavy oil are being brought up all over the world.

Launched on the 1st of October by the Maritime Development Center that is based in Denmark, the DecarbonICE project also includes global shipping companies, shipbuilders and others so as to carry out feasibility study on the solutions for carbon capture and storage on board and to start discussions related to the assessments about the impact on environment and the process that had been approved by IMO for the technology.

During the study, in a cryogenic process CO2 present in the ship exhaust will be captured on board and converted into dry ice. Then during the normal ship operations, it will be transported into seafloor sediments where the CO2 will stored permanently and safely as liquid CO2 and CO2 hydrate.

By the business activities of the group and it’s medium term management plan “Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green “, the NYK Group is committed to achieve the SDGs. NYK is going to put in continuous efforts for the reduction of CO2 emissions by various means like introducing new technology and fuel conversion.


Reference: nyk

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