Sunday, November 24, 2019

NYK Starts Verification Of Advanced Condition-Based Maintenance For Autonomous Ships

The NYK Group has agreed to a joint research agreement relating to the development of advanced contidion bases maintenance (CBM). This is a new maintenance and management method for autonomous ships and it has also started verifying while the ship operation is actually going on.

The machinery plant data that comes from various sensors will be shared and analysed with the classification society and manufacturers of engine in real time, thereby making the management of maintenance more advance. The NYK Group plans to use this data in the future for the development of CBM for manned autonomous vessels.

Outline of Joint Research

Along with SIMS2, new sensor and equipments have also been fit in to the two types of main engine and main stream turbine. Descriptive operational data like vibration and temperatures can also be collected. The engine’s state can be shared and monitored by the classification society and engine manufacturers in real time.

The project will also work in order to make the engine’s wrong predictions and remaining useful life by taking advantage of the expertise of manufacturer so to make optimal CBM guidelines and then verify them on real ships.

The results will be shared so as to develop a new classification survey scheme on the basis of CBM.

According to the medium term management plan of NYK Group, ‘Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green’, digitalization initiatives are being promoted by the group. They are also trying to make better innovation in the shipping industry with several partners using operational big data.


Reference: NYK

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