Tuesday, November 5, 2019

CSA 2020 Applauds DFDS On Ten Years Of Successful Scrubber Operations

For the successful operation of scrubber for ten years now, the Danish Ferry Operator (DFDS) was applauded by the Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) 2020. The scrubber operation along with the exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS) onboard the 37,939gt RORO Ficaria Seaways has made an achievement for having more than 50,000 running hours in ten years.

One of the first ever Ro-Ro vessel that has an Alfa Laval PureSOx System in it, Ficaria Seaways operates in the European Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA), on the Gothenburg – Immingham route.

“The installation has prevented a substantial amount of sulphur emissions from entering the atmosphere,” said Poul Woodall, Director Environment and Sustainability, DFDS A/S.

Woodall also said that according to the data by the high sulphur HFO-burning Ficaria Seaways only 0.05% of SOx has been emitted in ten years. “Had the vessel been trading on compliant fuel during these ten years, then SOx emissions would have been almost 60 times higher,” he said.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted the first major scientific review that confirmed about the eco-friendly performance of the vessel in 2012. It was concluded by the Agency that on an average, the scrubber system emitted half of the allowed SOx in the SFCA. The emission was equal to the content to suplur in the fuel i.e. 0.05% for the vessel.

150t less SOx was emitted by Ficaria Seaways during that period which less than if were to be operated in compliance with the 0.10% marine gasoline. According to the report of Danish EPA, the range of particulate matter (PM) was in the range 31-53% and on the other hand there was a 55% reduction in the mass.

“All in all, some very good statistics for those of us who are concerned about air quality and system performance,” said Woodall.

The internal measurements that are carried out by DFDS verified the performance of the scrubbers. It showed a less than 0.002% of downtime of the scrubber in the period of 12 months to the 1st of July 2019.

CSA 2020 Executive Director Ian Adams said: “We applaud DFDS, a member of the Alliance, for achieving this significant milestone. As one of the first commercial operators of marine scrubber systems, DFDS has shown that the technology is, without doubt, the safest, most effective way of reducing SOx emissions.”

After the first installation aboard Ficaria Seaways, the technology is now present in 28 vessels of DFDS along with more of ten EGCS operating ships that are on order. However, Woodall mentioned that other technologies will be given way by the scrubber technology. “To meet IMO’s ambitious target of 50% reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (compared to the base year of 2008) the industry must find an alternative to fossil fuel.

“However, until such alternatives are identified and developed for practical use, the current exhaust gas cleaning systems have proven themselves to be reliable, effective means of dramatically improving air emissions without impacting the marine environment, and will continue to exceed the international air quality requirements. In thousands of ships worldwide,” he said.


Reference: DFDS

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