Saturday, November 30, 2019

ClassNK Signs Joint Research Agreement With NYK & Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

ClassNK has decided on a joint research agreement for the development of advance condition based maintenance (CBM) which a new process of maintenance and management for engine machinery plants and builds a new CBM based classification survey scheme.

The condition of engine will be monitored constantly and the real time detailed data that will acquired from sources like SIMS2 and the new sensors of large main engines will be shared in the joint research project.

The expertise of the engine manufacturers will be used to work on making failure predictions and the engine’s remaining useful life (RUL) predictions by taking advantage of the experience of the manufacturer to make proper CBM guidelines and then test them on real ships. The results of the joint research might be used by ClassNK to make a new CBM based classification survey scheme.

Research content Partners

Joint research for realizing CBM for main diesel engines: Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), MTI Co. Ltd., Japan Engine Corporation, ClassNK

Joint research for realizing CBM for main steam turbines: Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), MTI Co. Ltd., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Machinery & Equipment Co. Ltd., ClassNK

ClassNK will support the top notch initiatives of the industry and develop a more specified survey scheme by using digital technology.



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