Thursday, October 24, 2019

ReCAAP ISC Incident Alert: Unauthorized Boardings While Underway In Eastbound Lane Of Singapore Strait

In the western sector of the Singapore Strait, three incidents of unauthorised boarding have been recorded in the period of January-October 2019. This has been done in ships in locations that have close proximity to each other.

These incidents happened in ships that had the Gross Tonnage between 43,000 and 160,000 when they were in their way in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS).

The incident that happened on the 19th of October 2019 was the most concerning one. The perpetrators were armed with guns and knife and they threatened the crew, tied his hands and escaped with the spares of the ship engine.

With three incidents happening in a period of just 20 days, it has been advised by the ReCAAP ISC that they must make sure the vigilance is improved, better precautionary measures are adopted and all the incidents should be reported immediately to the nearest coast.

The law enforcement agencies of the littoral States has been advised by the ReCAAP ISC to increase the surveillance, increase the patrols and to promptly respond to the incidents that are reported by the ships.


Reference: ReCAAP ISC

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