Wednesday, October 2, 2019

BIMCO Submits Proposal To IMO Pointing To Ships’ Power As A Mean To Curb Emissions

A proposal for the regulation of propulsion power of ships has been submitted by BIMCO to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This has been done in order to maintain the GHG savings that has been achieved by means of slowing down the steaming.

The CO2 emission is basically dependent on the speed of the ship. However, there are other views also on which is the best regulatory measure that should be enforced to achieve the objective of emission reduction.

The ship’s speed cannot be measured accurately and thus other ways are to be looked for. The other option that they have come up with is the limiting of the propulsion power of the ships. This can be done accurately and it also has a close connection with the speed of the ship.

“While it is imperative to ensure the GHG emissions savings through slower steaming are sustained, it is also important that owners are incentivised to innovate,” says Lars Robert Pedersen, BIMCO Deputy Secretary General.


Japan has suggested that a limit for ships’ power can be set. BIMCO suggested that for each shipping sector the power limit can be derived. This will be based on an average ship’ assumed performance at the present average trading speed within every sector.


At the International meeting that will be held at IMO in London on 11-15th October, the proposal will be discussed.


PR Reference: bimco

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