Wednesday, October 30, 2019

All Hands On Deck For UN SDGs And Climate Action

According to Ban Ki Moon, the former UN Secretary-General of the UN, fight climate change and the achievement of targets that are set in the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda are the major challenges today.

“In times of increasing discord, I believe that achieving the UN SDGS and meeting the Paris Climate Change Agreement are two efforts that should unite all nations, all industry and all civil society”, Mr. Ban said, addressing an audience of representatives of IMO Member States, NGOs and IMO staff at IMO Headquarters in London (28 October).

The work that IMO has been doing against climate change including the adaptation of the IMO GHG strategy, the work by the Organization, capacity building in order to promote a more safe, secure and co-friendly shipping industry was appreciated by Mr. Ban.

Taking stock of the current realities of global development and climate change, I believe IMO and shipping industry are well positioned to help navigate us toward safer harbours,” Mr. Ban said.

The theme of IMO’s 2019 World Maritime that focused on women empowerment was also praised by Mr. Ban. During his tenure as the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban had established the UN Women in order to campaign gender equality. He reminded the audience that the companies that have women in their boards perform better.

The commitment of IMO to support and work towards the SDG 14, ocean goal, and to work against the marine plastic litter was also mentioned. Shipping it important for the world Trade and development and for the achievement of various SDGs. With 11 years to go to fulfil the goals set out in all 17 SDGS, “we need an all hands on deck approach where everyone joins together in multi-stakeholder partnership,” Mr. Ban said. “Considering the great importance of the shipping industry for our economies and the environment, IMO truly represents the vanguard of global efforts to build a more prosperous and sustainable global future.”


Reference: imo

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