Monday, July 15, 2019

ABS And MARIN Launches JIP To Assess Performance Of Wind Propulsion Technology

A Joint Industry Project (JIP) have been launched by ABS and MARIN for investigating transparent and validated methods to assess the performance of wind-assisted shipping propulsion technologies, which is a key driver in owners/operators investment decision-making.

The majority of all marketed wind-assisted ship propulsors is covered in the JIP with an aim to overcome barriers to the uptake of these technologies by:

  • Improving methods for transparent performance prediction
  • Using the improved methods to provide ship owners/operators with fast predictions for their fleet
  • Reviewing the regulatory environment to identify gaps and make recommendations and provide examples on establishing compliance.

“As the regulatory framework increases pressure to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the time is right to explore the potential of wind to generate savings on emissions, fuel and cost. This project has significant potential to reduce barriers to the adoption of sustainable wind propulsion technologies and make a positive contribution to achieving IMO 2030 and 2050 objectives,” said Gurinder Singh, ABS Global Sustainability Director. “Through the ABS Global Sustainability Center, ABS is supporting leading-edge maritime sustainability initiatives all over the world. This JIP with MARIN is just the latest example of how we can help the industry transition to a low carbon economy.”

Wind-assisted propulsion technologies uses sails or some other device which converts the kinetic energy of the wind into thrust and thus, decreases the fuel consumption of a merchant vessel.

Patrick Hooijmans, MARIN Senior Project Manager Ships, said: “A major barrier to use of wind energy on board is the shortage of transparent and independently verified methods to predict the performance of wind propulsors. A reliable model will assist in adoption, as the profitability of an investment is in a subjective realm of wide-spread opinions. Furthermore, the industry can use examples and custom work to demonstrate compliance with statutory and class rules and regulations. MARIN and ABS are committed to exploring ways of overcoming these barriers.”

The Wind Assisted Ship Propulsion project brings together a range of partners from the shipping industry, which includes:

  • China Ship Scientific Research Center
  • Vale SA
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Dykstra Naval Architects
  • Eco Flettner
  • Norsepower
  • Berge Bulk
  • Computed Wing Sail
  • Anemoi
  • FinOcean Ltd.

The JIP will be completed in two years, and remains open for interested parties to join. For a further three years after completion, the results will be kept confidential among the project participants.


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1 comment:

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