Friday, June 28, 2019

Port Hedland Welcomes Its First Cost Effective RoRo Vessel

The first conventional roll-on/roll-off (RORO) vessel has been welcomed by the Port of Port Hedland, which gives the industry a more cost-effective way of delivering cargo to the region.

‘Blue Ridge Highway’ of length 180m arrived on Saturday evening and left Sunday morning. The visit was the culmination of 18 months of planning by Pilbara Ports Authority, vessel owners K-Line and cargo receivers Sumitomo. In Japan the vessel started its journey and stopped at Fremantle Port on its way to Port Hedland.

The vessel’s cargo of offshore piping had been pre-assembled onto 22 separate trailers. The RORO vessel’s open vehicle deck design allowed the cargo to be unloaded in approximately 1.5 hours. Cranes would normally take about 12 hours to unload a non-RORO vessel.

Pilbara Ports Authority’s General Manager Operations John Finch says the aim is to make RORO visits a regular occurence to the Pilbara.

“The visit was a success and Pilbara Ports Authority is working with all proponents to set up regular RORO calls to Port Hedland”, Mr Finch said.

“This would represent a significant cost and time saving for industry. Not only does RORO vessel design make unloading easier and quicker, industry around Port Hedland can get access to cargo straight from the port, rather than trucking it in from elsewhere,” Mr Finch said.

Pilbara Ports Authority is building new infrastructure to meet the Federal Government’s new biosecurity and First Point of Entry (FPOE) Standards that come into force on 1 July 2019, to facilitate more visits from trade vessels such as the ‘Blue Ridge Highway’.

The new infrastructure of Port Hedland will allow vessels to have their cargoes inspected or treated if required. Without this infrastructure cargoes would need to be shipped to Fremantle, the nearest FPOE port.

Similar infrastructure is being built at the Port of Dampier and Pilbara Ports Authority is exploring berth upgrades at the port which will enhance opportunities for RORO vessel calls across the Pilbara.


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‘SEA20’ Meeting Held To Discuss Maritime Sector And Cleaner Future

On 27 June, 2019, at the Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa in Finland, the distinguished political and industry kingpins assembled for an afternoon of closed-door talks for the first SEA20 High-Level Meeting.

SEA20 is a not-for-profit initiative whose aim is to bring a selected group of representatives from the world’s most influential port cities together to plan the future of urban living and the role of shipping within that. Jan Vapaavuori, Mayor, City of Helsinki; Alexander Stubb, Former Finnish PM and now Vice-President, European Investment Bank; Jaakko Eskola, President and CEO, Wärtsilä; Joshua Berger, Director of Maritime, State of Washington and many more revered guests from China, Europe and the US participated in this event.

The aim of the meeting was to find common solutions for building a globally efficient, ecologically sound and digitally connected future maritime sector. According to the United Nation’s latest estimate, by the year 2050, 68% of the global population will live in cities. This shift will place pressure on the development of city infrastructure and the maritime sector. While shipping is by far the most cost-effective way to move goods and people around the world, as consumer demand increases maritime businesses are increasingly facing major challenges in transitioning to greener, more sustainable operations.

“According to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), 90% of global goods are transported by sea meaning that globalisation, urbanisation and the development of maritime logistics are all deeply interconnected. When working on several pilot projects related to, for example, renewable fuels and the digitalisation of the maritime industry, we have noticed a general reluctance to adopt new solutions on a broader global level. We believe that this stems from a lack of market incentives and supportive legislation. The entire industry should be further encouraged to be more transparent and cooperate more broadly. When we all work together we can build a stronger marine ecosystem,” says President and CEO of Wärtsilä, Jaakko Eskola.

Marine cities are becoming the drivers of global development

The event included a discussion on the preliminary findings of the “Maritime Future: A Global Analysis on Marine and the Environment” – a report compiled by the think tank Nordic West Office with contributions from global experts in maritime and city planning. Later in this year the full report is to be published, which will aim to map the answers to several bottlenecks related to the development of the maritime industry.

”The need to create a smarter marine and energy ecosystem that can handle change in the coming decades is of paramount importance for our marine cities. Today, shipping lacks the comprehensive sharing of data and mutual trust necessary for solving sustainability issues. The issue of the common fate of cities and ports should be raised. Ports and their surrounding areas, at sea and on land, are in need of innovations and their creators,” says Lauri Tähtinen, the Nordic West Office Research Director responsible for conducting the report.

At the event the participants debated on the themes of the report and its preliminary findings. There was general agreement that in the world cities are fast becoming the drivers of global development that needs to find greener and more sustainable solutions. Social tensions in cities includes pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and increasing congestion. The maritime sector has a significant role to play in abating these issues if only the doors would be further opened to encourage a better relationship between the key stakeholders. It was raised that there is a need of guidelines for a smarter maritime ecosystem. The foundation of new 2020 principles was proposed to provide a framework for this.

”There is a need for cooperation. For example, the port of Helsinki and the city of Helsinki are jointly developing port-city ecosystem by enhancing operational efficiency, digitalisation and sustainability through innovation and experiments. We see SEA20 as a great way of sharing these kinds of experiments with other cities and tackling challenges together,” says Ulla Tapaninen. Head of Unit, Enterprise Services, at the City of Helsinki.


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ABS Publishes Advisory On Gas To Cope With Fuel And Technology Challenges

Advisory on Gas and Other Low Flashpoint Fuels has been published by ABS, which provides guidance on available technologies, regulatory requirements and installation and operational considerations for adopting gas or other low flash point fuels.

“The majority of the deep-sea shipping fleet will be using conventional and emerging lower sulfur residual and distillate fuels to meet the 1 January 2020 IMO global fuel sulfur limit of 0.5%. However, in the short and mid-term, shipping will trend towards a reduction in conventional fuels in favor of alternative fuels such as low flashpoint fuels and biofuels,” said Patrick Ryan, ABS Senior Vice President of Engineering and Technology. “The regulatory requirements for all options are broadly in place, but each of the fuels possess specific benefits and technical challenges. This Advisory is designed to help ship owners and operators understand the available technologies and technical considerations to make the right decisions for their fleet as they navigate this challenging environment.”

The Advisory published focuses on gas and other low flashpoint fuels that can provide solutions for short and mid-term to the fuel sulfur regulations. The viable fuel solutions has also been examined that will support the longer-term transition to low and zero carbon fuels.

For future ship propulsion arrangements and fuel strategies and to support the decision making regarding this, the advisory looks at the regulatory background for gas and other low flashpoint fuels. There is also an overview of the technologies and operational impacts.

The way has been led by ABS in helping industry to prepare for upcoming air emission requirements. From advisories on scrubbers to advice on fuel options, ABS provides in-depth technical guidance covering a range of compliance and technical topics that are critical to a sustainable shipping future.


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GTT Receives Order From Chinese Shipyard To Design LNG Fuelled Tanks

The Chinese shipyard Jiangnan Shipyard (Group) Co. Ltd. has booked an order with GTT for the tank design of 5 new LNG-fuelled container ships with a capacity of 15,000 TEU. The ships will be built on behalf of a European ship-owner and their delivery will be delivered between the second half of 2021 and the first half of 2022.

The LNG fuel tanks with a capacity of 14,000 m3 per ship will be designed by GTT. The Mark III Flex membrane containment system, which is developed by GTT, has been chosen for its space optimization that will allow a maximum usage of cargo capacity.

Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, declared: “Less than 18 months after the first order for LNG-fuelled container ships, we are delighted to confirm, with this new order, the interest and effectiveness of our solutions to address the emerging environmental challenges for shipping.”


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Port Of Long Beach’s Green Flag Program Rewards Ocean Carriers

Recently at the Port of Long Beach more than 135 shipping lines were admired for voluntarily participating in the Port’s Green Flag Incentive Program. This program offers financial incentives for cargo vessels to slow down near the port to reduce air pollution.

Recently for opting into the environmental initiative last year, Ocean carriers were presented with Green Flags. Ocean Carriers achieved this by slowing ships to 12 knots or less within 20 or 40 nautical miles of the Port of Long Beach.

In 2005 The Green Flag Incentive Program was initiated by the Port. Since then, in addition to the incentives, the Port has also started including vessel speed reduction for ships as a requirement of new leases with its terminal operator tenants.

The estimation shows that at the Port of Long Beach the slowing of cargo ships prevents the emission of 45,000 tons of greenhouse gases and 1,000 tons of general air pollutants each year, which in turn contributes to the Port’s comprehensive Clean Air Action Plan.

“Our shipping line partners play an important role in our efforts to improve air quality at the Port and our surrounding communities,” said Tracy Egoscue, President of the Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners. “We’ve made dramatic reductions in air pollution emissions thanks to the industry and its enthusiastic cooperation.”

In 2018, the program’s requirement of 90 percent participation rate at either 20 or 40 nautical miles was met or even exceeded by 136 shipping lines. Approx 95.8% of vessels slowed down within 20 nautical miles, while 91.14% slowed down within 40 nautical miles.

Ocean carriers achieving a 90 percent or higher compliance rate are eligible for a 25 percent reduction in dockage rates at the 40 nautical mile mark, while those slowing down within 20 nautical miles receive a 15 percent break in fees.

“This voluntary initiative is a win-win by granting financial rewards to nearly all of our ocean carriers while also dramatically decreasing pollution at the Port,” Mario Cordero, Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach. “The Green Flag is a symbol of our collective environmental accomplishments and a commitment to maintain our worldwide reputation as the Green Port.”


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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Ministry Of Shipping Signs Agreement To Set Coastal Marine Technology At IIT Kharagpur

An agreement has been signed by the Ministry of Shipping to set up Centre for Inland and Coastal Maritime Technology at IIT Kharagpur. CICMT will be responsible to provide technological, vessel design and applied research support for inland waterways and coastal shipping.

Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) has been signed between Ministry of Shipping and IIT Kharagpur to set up the Centre for Inland and Coastal Maritime Technology (CICMT) at IIT Kharagpur. Shri Mansukh Mandaviya, Minister of State for Shipping(I/c) and Chemicals & Fertilizers was present when the MoA was signed.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Mandaviya said, “Indigenous technology is the need of the hour for the maritime sector, and we are determined to promote Make- In- India as per the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.”

A detail about the state-of-the-art centre which is being set up under the flagship Sagarmala Programme, Shri Mandaviya said that the project is of strategic long-term interest for the port and maritime sector of the country and will provide tremendous impetus to Inland water transportation and coastal shipping.

“First of its kind, this centre will be a hub for latest technology tools for the maritime sector and reduce India’s dependence on foreign institutions. It will also reduce the cost of research drastically and result in cost and time savings for work in the port and maritime sector,” he added.

“Currently, there is no testing and experimentation facility available in the country for inland and coastal vessels for which the shipbuilders have to approach various European countries. The state-of-the-art Centre for Inland and Coastal Maritime Technology (CICMT) is being setup to address this long felt need and to provide impetus to the development of inland waterways and coastal shipping in the country,” Shri Mandaviya further added.

On this occasion Director, CICMT, IIT Kharagpur said that with the signing of this MoA and further setting up of this centre India will become a key player in ship modal testing facility as only four other countries in the world have this testing facility at present.

The Sagarmala programme is funding the project costing Rs 69.20 crore. The funding for CICMT is for 5 years after which revenues generated from the end users will make it sustainable.

The technological support, research, testing and experimentation facility to agencies involved in inland water transport, shipbuilding, ports. etc will be provided by CICMT at IIT Kharagpur. The main focus of the centre will be on ship design for coastal/inland waterways, shipbuilding technology and structural design, transport systems & logistics, cryogenic cargo handling, green/renewable energy harvesting from coastal and inland waters and automation and artificial intelligence (AI) for maritime operations.

CICMT is a set up that signifies a major leap in indigenous innovation and cutting edge technology support to the port and maritime sector directly contributing to the Sagarmala programme. It is based on close collaboration amongst government, academic institutions and industry to make applied research relevant to day to day ground work in the port and maritime sector.


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NYK Ranked As Top Company By A Report For Low-Carbon Transition

On June 25 a report “A Sea Change” was published by CDP, which is an international non-profit promoting environmental disclosure, which ranked NYK as the top shipping company on business readiness for a low-carbon transition.

NYK took the highly evaluated environmental initiatives which includes:

  • Achievement in reducing Green House Gases emissions
  • Commitment by board members to a low-carbon transition
  • Receipt of SBT initiative verification for the company’s GHG emissions reduction targets; scored the highest-rated ‘A’ for Climate Change in CDP Survey 2018
  • Support of recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) aiming to improve climate change–related disclosures
  • Development of hardware innovation and optimization of software through digitalization
  • Design of the new future concept ship NYK Super Eco Ship 2050, which incorporates innovative technologies that will result in an emission-free vessel

Shipping accounts for up to 3 percent of global emissions and 10 percent of transport emissions. Besides, it is an integral part of the global economy, transporting around 80 percent of the world’s trade in physical goods. In the report, CDP assessed and ranked shipping companies in three key areas — i.e., transition risks, transition opportunities, and climate governance and strategy — all of which are aligned with recommendations by the TCFD.

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Macgregor Enters Into Agreement With MSC To Upgrade Cargo System

A contract has been signed between Cargotec`s MacGregor, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company and Guangzhou Wenchong Dockyard for upgradatin of the cargo systems on 6 x 16,000 TEU containerships which is owned and operated by MSC. Into MacGregor`s second quarter 2019 these Cargo Boost orders will be booked while the order intake and the upgrades will be implemented during drydocking in 2020. It have been agreed by the parties to not to disclose any further contractual details.

The cargo system solution for these vessels has been defined and developed together by MacGregor and MSC. “The objective was to determine the best solution for the operating profile and to deliver a modern, efficient and environmentally-friendly upgraded cargo system,” says Magnus Sjöberg, Senior Vice President, Cargo Handling and RoRo, MacGregor.

MSC is committed towards promoting a sustainable business model that goes far beyond a “business as usual” approach, pertaining its roots and core family values. “MacGregor’s Cargo Boost is a good example how we can drive down the energy required to transport each individual container and reduce emissions per transported TEU,” says Giuseppe Gargiulo Head of Department, New Building, Dry Dock and Conversions, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company.


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JAXPORT Stepped For Record Container Volumes Through A Fiscal Year

Through the first eight months of fiscal year 2018-2019 of Jacksonville Port Authority’s (JAXPORT’s), the port is now on pace for achieving records in container TEU volumes and auto units.

On  Oct. 1, 2018 the fiscal year of JAXPORT began. Through May 2019, JAXPORT facilities have handled:

  • 896,795 TEUs, an increase of nearly 8 percent over the same period last year; and
  • 482,388 auto units, also an 8 percent increase over the same period in FY17-18.

Through the first eight months of its fiscal year, the container numbers represent a port record and JAXPORT has stepped to break the volume record of 1.27 million TEUs which was set in FY17-18. The auto figures also put JAXPORT was put in position to achieve a new FY record with the number of auto units handled through eight months.

In addition to this, nearly 132,000 passengers have cruised from JAXPORT so far this Fiscal Year, apart from the positive container and vehicle trends. This represents a total of 2 percent increase over FY17-18.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

NYK EAGLE Operated By ONE Rescued Crew Members From Sinking Coastal Vessel

On 20 June 2019, NYK EAGLE which is operated by Ocean Network Express (ONE), helped rescuing crew members from sinking coastal vessel. NYK Eagle was involved in this combined rescue operation with Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) and regional Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres.

NYK EAGLE was able to rescue 6 crew members safely from a sinking coastal vessel in the Eastern Gulf of Aden.

When NYK EAGLE received a request from CMF to assist a small sinking coastal vessel, it was navigating the ocean and also NYK EAGLE was closest to the affected vessel. NYK EAGLE carried a thorough and cautious rescue approach on the small sinking coastal vessel, and successfully ended by rescuing 6 crew members. The Japan Navy helicopter airlifted other 2 other crew members and took them to the Japan Naval. Then on 22 June, 2019 NYK EAGLE sailed to Djibouti to disembark the 6 crew members and resumed her sea passage to Rotterdam.

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Maersk Introduces Digital Product For Customers To Make Bookings Easily

Maersk has expanded its product offering with Maersk Spot. The new online product which is fully digitally enabled provides customers a cargo loading guarantee at a fixed price. Maersk addresses some of the fundamental inefficiencies that exist across the industry as further steps towards simplifying the supply chains of its customers, with the launch of the new product.

“It is not uncommon to see overbookings to the tune of 30%, and often this leads to rolling of the customers’ cargoes since there is overbooking to compensate for the high downfall. This creates a lot of uncertainty for our customers,” says Silvia Ding, Global Head of Ocean Products at Maersk. “With Maersk Spot, we provide full visibility of the price and terms that will ensure cargoes get on board. Ultimately allowing customers to move their cargo in a much simpler and more reliable way.”

The customers will be able to search and get competitive rates online 24/7 with Maersk Spot. When the booking is confirmed, the all-in price is calculated and fixed instantly. This dynamic online pricing fixed at booking creates one transaction for the customer from quotation to booking confirmation, profoundly simplifying the buying process.

“Maersk Spot radically simplifies the buying experience for our customers. Today’s offline process can be up to 13 individual steps, often involving a lot of communication and paperwork from rate sheets to terms and conditions and surcharges, etc. With Maersk Spot, this cumbersome process is reduced to five simple and integrated steps – all online,” says Ding.

When the customer confirms the booking, Maersk commits to load and grants certainty in operational execution. This is a mutual commitment between the customer and Maersk which ensures that the vicious cycle of overbookings is addressed. The fees apply at the customer’s charge in case of booking cancellations. If cargo is rolled, Maersk compensates the customer. The mutual commitment paired with increased visibility of sailings and certainty of prices has been to date embraced by more than 3,000 unique customers each week, with already over 50,000 Forty-Foot-Equivalent (FFE) units booked in Q2.

The Ramco Cements Limited is already one of the customers by using Maersk Spot. Every week the company sends around 120-200 containers from Kattupalli port to Colombo, making their bookings one to two weeks in advance so that the delivery to their customers can be ensured on time with the best deal possible.

“We are quite proactive about our bookings but there were still cases where our shipments were not loaded due to capacity issues which resulted in the loss of trust with some of our customers,” says Ramakrishnan D, General Marketing Manager of The Ramco Cements Limited. “With Maersk Spot, we no longer have the uncertainty of not knowing if we can actually provide our customers with their shipments.”

Maersk Spot is now available on all trades, except in and out of U.S. Currently it is available as BETA site. At the beginning of August, the product will be implemented on


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Trelleborg Supports The Ocean Cleanup To Attain Sustainable Future

Trelleborg’s marine and infrastructure operation is supporting The Ocean Cleanup and attempt hard to eradicate the world’s oceans of plastic in accordance with its long-standing commitment to helping to ensure a more sustainable future.

Trelleborg supply seven of its floating pneumatic fenders to The Ocean Cleanup. Mostly, these types of fenders are used for energy absorption when ships meet at sea. However the fenders will be part of one of the solutions that is tested as giant floating buoys that are connected to create a wind area in this application.

This functions as a sail, which pulls The Ocean Cleanup’s advanced passive drifting boom system, System 001/B, forward to help retain plastic for longer periods of time. With harsh conditions in the Pacific Ocean and 1,000 miles from shore, industry-leading designed floating buoys are a key factor for this testing period. Trelleborg delivered the fenders via its fender rental service in the Netherlands.

For allowing the system to retain plastic for longer periods of time the fenders are intended to increase wind current. In June 2019, System 001/B will be headed back to the the largest accumulation zone of plastic in the world, Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located between Hawaii and California.

Richard Hepworth, President at Trelleborg’s marine and infrastructure operation, says: “As a socially responsible company, Trelleborg is committed to help facilitate a more sustainable future for our planet by addressing the problems caused by excessive plastic waste.

“So much so, we’re fully invested in Trelleborg Group’s ‘Message in a Bottle’ campaign, which aims to eliminate the single use of plastic bottles across every business within Trelleborg by 2020. Therefore we are delighted to have the opportunity to support The Ocean Cleanup and its goal of turning the tide on marine pollution by removing plastic from our oceans.”

The system of The Ocean Cleanup 001/B consists of floater of length 150 meters that sits at the surface of the water and a tapered three-meter deep skirt attached below. The floater provides buoyancy to the system and prevents plastic from flowing over it, while the skirt stops debris from escaping underneath. As the system moves through the water, the plastic is collected within the boundaries of the U-shaped system. This concentrated plastic will be recycled by bringing it to shore and will be made into durable products. The gained revenue will help as a fund for the clean-up expansion to the remaining four ocean gyres, which are large systems of rotating currents.

It is established that for permanent and semi-permanent port applications and for offshore ship-to-ship transfers Trelleborg’s Pneumatic Fenders are ideal. Trelleborg’s ISO 17357-1:2014 is quality assured fenders which ensures large clearances are maintained between the hull and jetty or other vessels and are fast and easy to deploy. During mooring risk of damage is minimized and also protects people and cargo.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

In Rotterdam Europe’s First Inland-Waterway LNG Bunker Vessel Begins First Operations

In Rotterdam, the Netherlands first bunkering operations, with the Containerships Polar and Containerships Nord vessels has been performed by Europe’s first inland-waterway liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker vessel. The LNG London which is owned by LNG Shipping – cooperation between Victrol and Sogestran, is on long-term charter to Shell. Shell will primarily use it for LNG bunkering in the ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp

“The entry into service of LNG London shows our ability and commitment to providing safe and reliable supplies that help meet the growing need for cleaner-burning fuel,” Tahir Faruqui, General Manager, Shell Global Downstream LNG, said. “We are pleased to have three LNG bunker vessels in our fleet and look forward to others joining them in the future.”

Gisèle Buelens, CEO of Victrol, said: “In 2017, Shell selected us to build an inland LNG bunker vessel. As pioneers in bunker vessels, we designed a completely new vessel that complies with the latest safety and operational requirements. We are pleased that she has completed her first operation and that many more LNG bunkering operations will take place in the years ahead.”

Pascal Girardet, CEO of Sogestran, said: “We are very proud of LNG London, the first inland LNG bunkering ship in Europe. The inland capability offers clear logistical benefits for end users, benefits that will help drive the growth of LNG as a cleaner marine fuel.”

At the gate terminal in Rotterdam, LNG London will be loaded with LNG. An innovative transfer system enables the delivery of LNG to seagoing vessels, inland barges and terminals onshore, while a restricted air draft allows the barge to sail via inland waterways to Antwerp and Amsterdam if required. According to a “well-to-wake” emissions study by Thinkstep the natural gas significantly reduces NOx and reduces overall GHG emissions by up to 21%, as compared to traditional marine fuels. There is an increasing interest from the international marine community to consider LNG as a marine fuel as per the International Maritime Organization’s 0.5% sulphur cap implementation by 2020.


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Global Maritime Charity Marks The Day Of Seafarers By Admiring Contribution Of Women Seafarers

Global maritime charity Stella Maris who is the Apostleship of the Sea is marking Day of the Seafarer by paying tribute to female seafarers and cruise ship crew members. It has also been highlighted by the charity about the vital role played by its female trustees, port chaplains, head office staff and volunteers. This year’s theme for International Maritime Organization’s (IMO)  for Day of the Seafarer is ‘I Am on Board with gender equality’.

AoS Board Member Theresa Crossley said, “The maritime sector has generally been behind the curve on gender equality, so it’s great that the IMO had really picked up the baton with the ‘I Am on Board with gender equality’ campaign.

“But someone said to me recently: “You can’t be what you don’t see.” In other words, women need to take up roles and responsibilities that have been traditionally the preserve of men and be visible in those roles, if we are to inspire our girls and young women for the future.”
Theresa added that AoS is leading by example. “We already have women at all levels in the organisation – board members, staff, port chaplains and ship visitors, all of whom bring a unique blend of skills, expertise and compassion to helping seafarers in need of support,” she said.

Anne McLaren, Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) Regional Port Chaplain for North East England & Humber said, “We know women are capable of doing seafaring jobs. Thankfully most companies now recruit the best person for the job, be they female or male. Our challenge is to reach out to girls and young women to tell them about the various seafaring and shipping career opportunities available to them so they can make informed choices about their future occupation.”

“Ship owners and shipping companies should also ensure that working conditions on board are conducive for both female and male seafarers,” she said.

Anne added that at AoS, women port chaplains and ship visitors continue to play a vital role in supporting female and male seafarers via AoS’ daily ship visits and by providing practical, emotional and pastoral care to seafarers when the need arises.


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EcoVadis Rewarded GEODIS With “Gold” recognition level

Again in this year, GEODIS was glorified with the “Gold” recognition level by EcoVadis. Therefore, as compared to 2018, the group has continued its upward progression with an overall grade of 72/100*. GEODIS is now put among the top 300 companies out of a total of 30,000 assessed with its excellent ratings. EcoVadis has recognized GEODIS as one of the most advanced and committed businesses in all sectors combined, in terms of environmental, social, ethical and responsible purchasing approaches.

Marie-Christine Lombard, Chief Executive Officer of GEODIS says: “I am very pleased as this is the highest result since the Group’s first assessment in 2009. It recognizes more than 10 years of working to carry out concrete and consistent CSR actions as well as our unwavering commitment to satisfy all stakeholders, fully including society at large.

The EcoVadis evaluation focuses on four topics for which GEODIS obtained the following scores:

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The Bahamas Included In Latest Paris MoU Port State Inspection For 17th Time And Secured Second Spot

The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) announced that The Bahamas has been included on the Paris MoU port state inspection whitelist of flag state performance for the 17th consecutive year. It has moved up six places and has secured the number two spot. This is accomplished by The Bahamas flag by achieving a record of low number of detentions worldwide.

The Bahamas’ Minister for Transport and Local Government, Honourable Renward Wells comments: “The BMA’s impressive track record of delivering a quality service, as demonstrated by this positive outcome, is remarkable and one that The Bahamas, our customers and industry partners should be extremely proud of.” Adding to this, the BMA’s Chair, Mrs J. Denise Lewis-Johnson says: “Port state inspection is one of the recognised industry indicators of quality performance and this achievement by The Bahamas, within Paris MOU ports, once again demonstrates the BMA’s commitment to the highest standards and is evidence of our ships adhering to these standards.”

The quality flags are represented in the Paris MOU White List with a consistently low detention record for ships calling in European ports and The Bahamas’ record within this region aligns with the lowest ever number of annual detentions following port state inspections conducted globally in 2018.

The BMA’s Managing Director & CEO Captain Dwain Hutchinson comments: “This level of compliance is very much a collaborative approach and the BMA extends its congratulations and appreciation to all Bahamian shipowners, managers and their shipboard crew for ensuring that Bahamas flagged ships comply with the international convention requirements and avoid delays following port state inspection. Every ship flying The Bahamas flag will benefit from this superb record.”

Also within Tokyo MoU, The Bahamas is considered as a low risk and non-targeted flag and has also secured United States Coast Guard QualShip 21 status which recognizes and rewards ships, their owners and flag administrations for their commitment to safety and quality.


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Kongsberg Signed Agreement With T.Mariotti For Ultra-Luxury Polar Class Expedition Cruise Ships

An agreement has been signed between KONGSBERG and the shipbuilding firm T.Mariotti to provide it s K-Bridge Integrated Bridge System (IBS) with K-Pos Dynamic Positioning (DP) functionality for two ultra-luxury, purpose-built expedition cruise new builds to Carnival Corporation. At the T.Mariotti yard in Genova, Italy the ships are under construction for the ultra-luxury cruise line Seabourn, a brand of Carnival Corporation. The first, Seabourn Venture, is due to enter service in June 2021, while her yet-to-be-named sister ship is scheduled for launch in May 2022.

Every detail is being carefully considered to ensure the outstanding onboard luxury is matched with tough, hyper-efficient, state-of-the-art functionality as it is the Seabourn’s first purpose-built expedition ships. The ship is constructed to PC6 Polar Class standards and the vessels will also carry two custom-built submarines, 24 Zodiac inflatable boats and an array of kayaks to provide the most immersive guest experience available – and KONGSBERG’s K-Bridge will form the secure operational foundation of both ships.

The K-Bridge system’s multi-functional workstations contains many features which includes touch-sensitive control panels, joystick operation and large information displays enabling swift and accurate control of bridge auxiliary equipment. Not only KONGSBERG’s K-Pos dynamic positioning solution is included in the system, also SN90 forward-looking, omnidirectional sonar and ECDIS functions such as an integrated docking aid, but also provides mosaic enhanced 360° radar images and an ice radar.

“We will be able to offer our guests exciting, awe-inspiring expeditions in polar regions thanks to the technology that has opened up these areas for us. Safety is paramount, of course, which is why the K-Bridge system’s pin-sharp radar images and built-in ice detection capabilities are so vital. We know we can navigate these areas with great confidence thanks in part to these systems.”
Robin West,
Vice President of Expedition Operations for Seabourn

“It’s highly gratifying to know that the Carnival Corporation and Seabourn have chosen KONGSBERG’s integrated single solution to cover all bridge system requirements in these ultramodern newbuilds,” adds Morten Stanger, Vice President, Passenger & Seaborne Transport, Kongsberg Maritime. “Having the vital navigational technology contained within one centralised software and hardware environment simplifies and enhances operational processes – and when these vessels head off into remote, less-explored regions, having full control of the ship and complete awareness of surroundings is the top priority.”


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Monday, June 24, 2019

IMO’s Int. Safety Management Training Is Underway Nine Countries And Is Seeking Attention

Training on the International Safety Management (ISM) Code which was conducted by IMO is underway for nine countries* including the eastern and southern Africa sub-region. The code sets international standard for safe ship management and operation. There are thirty-two participants took part in the event, which was hosted by the Tanzania Shipping Agencies Corporation (TASAC) in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania between 17-21 June.

The focus of the course is how the code evolved and its importance in efforts to improve safe ship operation and pollution prevention. The senior maritime administrations personnel responsible for conducting shipboard and shore-based audits for verification of compliance with the code’s requirements are the participants of the event.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore supported this training, including interactive country-specific presentations focusing on the administrations’ tonnage, type of vessels, knowledge and perspective on ISM code implementation.

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JFPA Awards Two NYK Operated Vessels As The 2018 Best Quality Ship

The Japan Federation of Pilots’ Associations (JFPA)* awarded the wood-chip carrier Forestal Reina and the methanol tanker Kohzan Maru III, both NYK-operated vessels and managed by NYK Group companies, as the 2018 Best Quality Ship. On June 21 at the Todofuken Kaikan in Tokyo this award ceremony was held and was attended by Shinya Hitomi, NYK corporate officer and related parties. In fiscal 2003 The Best Quality Ship Award was founded with the aim of enhancing awareness of not only safe vessel operations but also the need for environmental conservation within our ports and oceans.

The comprehensive evaluations of vessels were performed by the pilots that had requested pilot operations at pilotage districts throughout Japan during the months of September and October 2018. Then seven vessels were selected, including two NYK ships, to be recognized for their excellent operations.

The NYK Group says that it will continue its efforts to ensure safe operations, positioning safety considering it as their most important task.

* Japan Federation of Pilots’ Associations (JFPA): Under the revised Pilotage Law, the JFPA was founded on April 1, 2007, as an incorporated national federation comprising district-wide pilot associations.

** Bridge Resource Management: Management method employing the concept of Cockpit Resource Management developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This method aims to improve interactions among human resources on the bridge from where a ship is controlled.


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Ulstein Group Recorded A Major Operating Loss Of NOK – 211.6 Million In 2018

In 2018 it was recorded by Ulstein Group that there is revenue of NOK 1.89 billion and an operating loss of NOK 211.6 million. The low exploitation of capacity in parts of the group, large restructuring expenses and loss on certain projects partly caused such type of result.

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“Ulstein Group and the maritime cluster have been through major changes over the past years. This restructuring has been costly and time consuming,” says CEO Gunvor Ulstein.

“Our figures show an operational improvement in 2018 compared to 2017, however the restructuring process has been very challenging, and we have worked hard to position ourselves in new segments. We expect that these efforts will give results over time,” she says, continuing:

“The orderbook is filled with contracts with new customers, none of them known to us before 2015. There has been and still is a tough competition in getting new contracts. Our ability to understand the customers’ needs, win contracts and carry out the projects with positive margins will be critical”.

RoPax and Cruise

It is expected that the delivery of Color Hybrid, which is the world’s largest plug-in hybrid vessels lying at the Ulstein Verft quayside, will be done by this summer. In the dock hall, it is found that the first expedition cruise vessel to be delivered to Lindblad Expeditions/National Geographic in 2020, and a sister vessel in the order book with an additional option pending. Also, Ulstein Design & Solutions has entered into five contracts for building in China with CMHI/ SunStone, and five more options are pending.

Offshore Wind

“We have delivered a number of offshore wind vessels over the past few years and we still have one in the order backlog. We believe that the offshore wind market will increase significantly in the years to come and we are well positioned to take part in this. With the additional Lindblad II and the cable laying vessel to be delivered to Nexans in 2021, we are well positioned to create results in the years to come.” Ulstein ends.

Ulstein Group’s main figures for 2018 are:

Operating revenues: NOK 1.89 billion (2017: NOK 1.1 billion)
Operating profit: NOK -211.6 million (2017: NOK -326.2 million)
Operating profit before tax: NOK -310.8 million* (2017: NOK -359.8 million)
* NOK 55,7 million of this is related to extraordinary impairments.


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Damen Begins Construction Of The First Revolutionary New Design Concept Of FCS 7011

Damen Shipyards Antalya, Turkey is laying the keel for the revolutionary design for the first time which is two and a half years on from the genesis of the FCS 7011 concept in response to extensive feedback from the offshore energy sector. This milestone is the result of many thousands of hours of discussions, development work, engineering and cross-industry collaboration and also has marked by a traditional keel-laying ceremony held at the yard.

It will be the largest monohull vessel to be built in aluminium by Damen with the length of 70 meters and is scheduled for launch in August 2020. It is expected to be delivered to the prospective client with realistically look by the end of that year.

The FCS 7011 represents the future of crew change. Through its ability to carry larger numbers of personnel up to 250 and a greater distances of 200nm and more at speeds of up to 40 knots it promises to offer greater efficiency than ever before. The integration of technologies including stabilizers, active interceptors and marine access systems will ensure that the men and women on board are delivered safe, well rested and ready for immediate work. The design of the vessel allows it to operate in a wider range of weather conditions than conventional fast crew vessels. Also multiple offshore installations can be served in a single round trip with its capacity, speed and range, thereby delivering substantial savings in both time and operational costs.

It has been developed in close cooperation with the offshore energy sector, because of the concept that becomes reality interest in operating and chartering is building from both the oil & gas and renewable sectors.This type of vessel’s momentum is growing rapidly as the oil majors recognize the benefits to be gained by scaling up crew deliveries in terms of size, serviceability, flexibility and safety. Damen expects that within a few years a number of FCS 7011 vessels will be operating on both sides of the Atlantic and elsewhere as per customer’s interest. Damen Shipyards Antalya is the ideal location for the build of the FCS 7011. It is a leader in the build of high-speed craft in both composites and aluminium with an experience in larger passenger vessels with recent projects including a 55-metre RoPax Fast Ferry and a Yacht Support Vessel.


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ABS Certified ARIES For Remote Inspection Techniques Specialist

ARIES oil field services has become the first establishment in the Middle East to be approved and certificated for Remote Inspection Techniques specialist (UAV) for Ships and Offshore units by ABS. Remote inspections using drones is intended to facilitate effective and efficient surveys for the Marine & Offshore Industry are considered as an additional alternative means of access. Often Aries has been investing heavily on updating itself with advanced techniques in the field of Engineering and inspection. This prestigious certification has been granted by ABS to Aries after undertaking office audits and witnessing satisfactory demonstration surveys on-board ABS classed vessels. The drones captured the data for external leg inspection of MODU as well as for internal condition assessments of tanks. It has been certified by ABS Surveyors that the live data captured as images and videos using the drones will be of use for making efficient decisions during the execution of classification and statutory surveys for both ships and offshore units.

On this remarkable achievement, Aries Founder Chairman and CEO Mr. Sohan Roy said: “Aries has always believed in providing world class quality and reliable services to our clients across the globe. But in this era of globalization and technological advancements, one must keep abreast of the latest technology. With this certification, we have not just inched one step closer to improving our range of services but have also updated our efficiency to execute survey tasks. All our 78 sub divisions offering services are working with a proven R&D model we launched based on efficiency management system. The introduction of drones will enable efficient review for surveying in accessible locations. We are thankful to ABS for working very closely with us by providing all guidance on each stage of this certification. We are now in to comprehensive Visual Asset Management Platform with the support of various advanced engineering & inspection techniques like drones, rope access,3d scanning & other advanced NDT methods“

Darren Leskoski, ABS Vice President Middle East & Africa, said:
“Recognizing Aries Marine’s proficiency with remote inspection technologies is another way ABS is helping realize the potential of digital technologies for marine and offshore asset owners while maintaining a laser-like focus on safety.
“We are pleased to collaborate closely with Aries Marine once again while they continue to evolve the myriad of services they provide to our industry. This commitment is a credit to their leadership and dedicated workforce.”


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Saturday, June 22, 2019

At AFLAS Awards MSC Titled As Best Shipping Line Asia–Africa Award

At the prestigious Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain (AFLAS) Awards, MSC have won the Best Shipping Line that is Asia – Africa category underlining the company’s strong position in the region.

As there was growth in demand MSC has responded efficiently by increasing services between Asia and Africa, reducing transit times and providing more efficiency and ease of access for customers. MSC felt honored and grateful for the endorsement by Asia Cargo News readers, among them many shipping line service users.

Asia Cargo News hosts and organizes the awards annually to recognize leading logistics and supply chain providers, based on excellence in customer service, innovation and quality of service. This year on June 17, they were announced at a Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony, which was held at The Asia Society Hong Kong Centre.

More than 15,000 readers and e-news subscribers were allowed in nomination and voting process to first determine the leading companies in the market, and then determine the winners, making the results the opinion of service users rather than a panel of judges.


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Friday, June 21, 2019

Maersk Offers New Carbon-Neutral Transport In The Industry

The first kind of a new carbon neutral product in the industry is being piloted with select Maersk customers who are highly engaged in sustainable solutions for their supply chain. The first company to trial it as part of the shift towards carbon-neutral transportation is H&M Group.

This year the biofuel in the pilot project is the same as that of cooking oil which has been tested and successfully validated in a trial driven in collaboration with the Dutch Sustainability Growth Coalition (DSGC), and Shell. The International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) body has certified it as a sustainable fuel.

“The biofuel trial on board Mette Maersk has proven that decarbonized solutions for shipping can already be utilized today, both technically and operationally. While it is not yet an absolutely final solution it is certainly part of the solution and it can serve as a transition solution to reduce CO2 emissions today. With the launch of this product, Maersk seeks to help our customers with their goal of moving to sustainable supply chains, “explains Søren Toft, Maersk COO.

H&M Group is provided the ability to reduce their transport and logistics emissions towards their aspiration of carbon neutrality, when accounting for only the emissions from the vessel by the biofuel that is to be utilized, which is carbon neutral. A procedure will be provided by the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) to ensure carbon savings are accredited to our customers appropriately. Taking a full lifecycle view including all emissions from upstream production and transportation, the fuel demands savings of 85% compared to bunker fuel.

To unlock the potential of sustainable fuels so they become a commercial reality is the goal of such pilot projects.

“Our high ambition to become climate positive by 2040 requires cooperation and engagement from all parties in the supply chain. We want to use our size to be a force for good and enable scaling innovative solutions, such as the carbon neutral ocean product, for a greener commercial transport,” says Helena Helmersson, COO H&M Group. The biofuel project learnings will be used to support a broader product offering and will continue to co-develop and facilitate the uptake of solutions that will help bring about more cost-efficient carbon-neutral options for the carbon neutral transportation.

Today shifting away from fossil fuels can prove to be expensive for shippers. The wide-scale adoption of carbonneutral solutions are ensured and thus requires technical innovation and supportive global policies.

“We believe this is the only commercially viable path to make the required investments our industry requires to reach the carbon neutral target. We are so pleased to see a significant shift in sentiment and involvement from customers, fuel suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and competitors towards sustainable solutions,” emphasizes Toft.

Today shipping remains the most carbon-efficient means of global transport, but it accounts for 2-3% of global emissions. If it is left unchecked by industry leaders and policy makers, it will continue to grow in number.

Maersk will continue to facilitate, test, and develop low-carbon solutions on the journey to 2050.


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Portline Bulk Int. Pleads Guilty For Falsifying Oil Record Book

Portline Bulk International S.A. pleaded guilty for one count of violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships and one count of Obstruction in federal court in Charleston, South Carolina. The charges was caused because of the falsification of the Oil Record Book onboard the M/V Achilleus, a Maltese-flagged ocean-going bulk carrier ship managed by Defendant Portline.

From April 2017 to August 2018, senior members of the vessel’s engineering team oversaw and participated in the bypass of the ship’s Oil Water Separator utilizing a yellow plastic hose, referred to as a magic pipe. A series of fake entries and key omissions in the Oil Record Book  water were made by the ship’s Chief Engineer in order to conceal the illegal overboard discharges of oily bilge. On Aug. 14, 2018, the false Oil Record Book was presented to the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) during an inspection in the Port of Charleston.

According to court documents, Portline has agreed to pay a criminal fine of $1.5 million when the company is sentenced at a future date. An organizational probation for four years, which includes an environmental compliance plan would also be placed on the company.

“The world’s oceans are not a dumping ground for criminals who seek to evade our nation’s environmental laws,” said Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Bossert Clark for the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. “Today’s guilty plea demonstrates the Department’s commitment to protecting coastal communities through rigorous enforcement of the rule of law. The South Carolina coast is one of the most beautiful parts of our nation,” said U.S. Attorney Lydon for the District of South Carolina. “The U.S. Attorney’s Office takes environmental crimes seriously, and corporations and individuals who endanger our valuable marine resources and wildlife by violating federal law will be held accountable. We are grateful to the Coast Guard Investigative Service and the Environment and Natural Resources Division for their ongoing partnership in protecting our waterways.”

“Our team of dedicated marine safety and pollution response professionals worked closely with the Coast Guard Investigative Service to investigate this incident and refer it for enforcement action,” said Captain John Reed, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Charleston. “This case highlights the Coast Guard’s unwavering commitment to the stewardship of the ocean and its critical marine environment.”

On June 17, 2019, the ship’s former Chief Engineer Anatoli Zotsenko and Second Engineer Valerii Pastushenko, who had previously pleaded guilty to one count of violating the Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, were sentenced to fines totaling $12,500 and three years’ probation. The probation term includes a special condition that bans Zotsenko and Pastushenko from entering ports and anchorages of the United States.

The U.S. Coast Guard Sector Charleston and the Coast Guard Investigative Service investigated this case. The USCG Marine Safety Lab was critical to the analysis of oil samples taken from the vessel. The case was prosecuted by Christopher L. Hale of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section and AUSA Matt Austin from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of South Carolina.


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The Key In IMO’s Ballast Water Management Is To Identify Marine Life

The key for the countries preparing to enforce IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention is to identify organisms and microbes in ballast water, as well as monitor port marine life where ballast water may be released. The measures to counter the threat to marine ecosystems by potentially invasive species transported in ships’ ballast water was the main point involved in the treaty.

A regional workshop in Malé, Maldives which was held between 18-20 June trained participants from four countries* in compliance monitoring and enforcement of the Convention. Also the event included training on how to conduct a relevant risk assessment for implementing and enforcing the BWM Convention with a focus on ship targeting for port State control and exemptions under a key regulation (regulation A-4) of the BWM Convention.

The workshop also included training on how to plan and conduct a port biological baseline survey using standardized protocols.


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MOL Announced Agreement With ‘GAIL’ Regarding Charter Contract For One LNGC

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) announced that anagreement has been signed between them and GAIL (India) Limited (Head Office: New Delhi, India). The agreement has been signed through a wholly owned subsidiary of MOL, which is regarding a short-term charter agreement for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier.

GAIL is the largest natural gas Company of India with approx. 11,400 Km of cross country existing trunk pipeline network and another 4,000 Km pipelines in advance stage of completion. In India, GAIL is ranked no. 1 gas pipeline company and also comes among the top gas utilities in Asia. The company business activities range from Gas Transmission and Marketing to Processing (for fractionating LPG, Propane, SBP Solvent and Pentane); transmission of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG); production and marketing of Petrochemicals like HDPE and LLDPE. The company has worked on many sectors for extending its presence, which includes Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) re-gasification, City Gas Distribution and Exploration & Production through equity and joint venture participations. Lately, GAIL also diversified into solar and wind power generation. GAIL currently holds a LNG / RLNG portfolio of about 14 MTPA from various long and short-term contracts. The company is also committed globally for LNG trading. The net income of the company is about USD 900 million with consolidated turnover of GAIL for FY 2018-19 is about USD 11 billion.

It is expected that in India there wil be continuous increase in demand for gas, registering significant economic growth. MOL has been participating in Indian market since the beginning of LNG import into the country, with the distinction of having brought the first gas from Qatar. MOL is currently not only participating in transportation of LNG but is also involved in the projects in India of floating LNG receiving terminal and Ethane transportation by the first Very Large Ethane Carrier (VLEC) in the world. The present Agreement has been concluded in line with the direction, which MOL declared in the Management Plan “Rolling Plan 2019”, to strategically allocate management resources to businesses where MOL has strengths.

In response to increasing demands for energy transportation, MOL will continue its effort to provide a stable sea transportation services with high safety standards, which the company is known for.


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First European Dredger Converted To Dual-Fuel LNG / MGO Departs DSDu For Work

After 23 months of contract signing, the first European dredger that is converted to dual-fuel LNG/MGO propulsion has departed Damen Shiprepair Dunkerque (DSDu) to return for work. Its length is 117 metre, with 8,500m³ trailing suction hopper dredger Samuel de Champlain and is owned by Rouen-based GIE Dragages-Ports and operated by the Port of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire. Damen delivered a turnkey package that included engineering, procurement, installation, commissioning and support. It included the key features like changing of the engines to dual-fuel (LNG/Diesel) models, the installation of onboard LNG storage facilities, and maintenance support for eight years.

The DSDu team encountered and overcame a series of unforeseen challenges from the start with all developing projects. Significant revisions to the detailed engineering was included after a decision was taken to install different engines than had originally been planned. DSDu had to completely rethink its methodology as the new engines are considerably larger than those first specified. The new methodology included the building of an entirely new engine room in their workshop.

A follow-on consequence of that was the need to reassess the interface linking the electrical facilities to the new engines. The creativity was required to reduce the number of cables needed for the interface because the cabling was complex. Also, the new engine configuration resulted in the need for a considerable renewal and extension of all piping. As a result, over 25 tonnes of piping were re-engineered, fabricated and installed, so took extra time and resources especially to accurately fit the new piping to the old. Even the commissioning required careful thought. Using this type of propulsion it was the first dredger conversion, setting the parameters for the engine performance had to start with fresh thinking and a clean piece of paper.

“We knew at the outset that this project would be a voyage into uncharted waters,” said Mark Jan van den Akker, Managing Director of DSDu. “We have however acquired much valuable experience along the way that we can apply to future works of this type. It was definitely worth going the extra mile to successfully deliver this ground-breaking project. We hope she will pave the way to greatly reducing the emissions of a class of vessels that typically works close to the shore.”

In 2002, The Samuel de Champlain was built and is the largest vessel in the GIE Dragages-Ports fleet. Based in the Grand Port Maritime of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire, she divides her time between the Loire and Seine estuaries. The conversion project was made possible by a subsidy from the European Commission’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) via its Connecting Europe Facility programme.

The conversion of the Samuel de Champlain is intended to demonstrate the feasibility of using LNG as a fuel on smaller vessels as well as allow GIE Dragages-Ports to fulfil its mission of optimising costs via lower fuel bills and less engine maintenance, while at the same time delivering greatly reduced emissions of CO2, NOx and particulate matter emissions.

“We hope that this conversion will demonstrate to other short-sea vessels the benefits of switching to LNG,” said Jean-Pierre Guellec, CEO of GIE Dragages-Ports, “and mark the first stage of the development of an LNG bunkering network on the Atlantic coast of mainland Europe.”


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Thursday, June 20, 2019

iContainers Says Maritime Industry To Be ‘Shaken’ After IMO2020 Implementation

Online freight forwarder iContainers says that after the implementation of the IMO2020 regulation maritime industry will be left ‘shaken’ for at least a year. In the seven months the new rule will come into effect and has mojor aim of reducing sulfur oxide emissions from the current 3.5 percent m/m to 0.5 percent m/m from maritime vessels. According to the shippers, carriers and shipowners are shifting a big part of the increase in operational and fuel costs to its customers because of the costly compliance process, which is estimated to cost between $10 and $15 billion annually.

“The immediate impact will be much higher surcharges. More specifically, expect the Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF) to be significantly higher in the first 12 to 18 months,” says Aliona Yurlova, expert in international business development at iContainers. “There is also an expected 15 to 20 percent increase in rates and up to a 10 percent decrease in capacity, which will leave the maritime market quite shaken for at least the initial year.”

Many shippers remain unaware and unprepared to deal with the consequences of IMO2020 despite of knowing that it is one of the most important regulations in maritime history and one that will have far-ranging impacts across industries. Some expected consequences of IMO2020 would include higher rates volatility and additional surcharges to higher risks of cargo getting rolled at origin and a severe capacity shortage. However, most of the shippers seem to be ignorant of the potential complications.

“Shippers tend to rely on their freight forwarders to provide them with new market information and advise and guide them accordingly,” says Yurlova. The IMO2020 regulation will reign in a new era in shipping. Given the uncertainties that remain surrounding operations and costs, freight forwarders should be prepared to take on the role of a consultant for shippers.

“As an intermediary, freight forwarders are equipped with the information needed to assist shippers with making timely and accurate decisions. These include market information related to carriers, new regulations, peak seasons, capacities, rates, surcharges, etc. At the same time, they are the ones who best understand what shippers and big and small companies need,” says Yurlova.

“Digital forwarders also have a competitive edge of being able to provide instant information and act as consultants to shippers to optimize their supply chains.” Yurlova’s advice for shippers is to plan their shipments earlier than they usually do to avoid problems. For example, shippers should now consider planning a shipment of three or even four weeks in advance for a shipment of two-week minimum required period of time for them to ensure a shipment goes smoothly and to avoid additional charges and their containers from getting rolled.

“The best thing for them to do would be to analyze their yearly flows; how much they ship, where to, from where, what type of cargo, when do you ship the most, least, and speak to their freight forwarder and plan around it.”


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Tallink Grupp To Use Shore Power For Providing Electricity To Two Of Its Vessels

For reducing the environmental impact of the vessels and to minimize air pollution in the Nordic capital cities the company’s vessels visit, this week Tallink Grupp has started using shore power to provide electricity for two of its vessels, Silja Serenade and Silja Symhony, while they are alongside in port.

Since February of this year, Silja Symphony and Silja Serenade, sister ships operating on the Helsinki-Stockholm route, have been piloting use of the shore power connection facility.

These are the two first vessels to be connected to the new facility which aims on minimizing the environmental impact from ships within the Baltic Sea region.


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MAN Energy Solutions, Corvus Energy nd DNV GL Presented Results Of Study On Hybrid Power Solutions

In the recent speaking at the CIMAC conference in Vancouver, Dr Alexander Knafl, MAN Energy Solutions, presented the results of a new study in accordance of tightening regulations on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which examines the potential of hybrid power solutions. The result of a cooperation between MAN Energy Solutions, Corvus Energy, and DNV GL, HYCAS examines the effectiveness of cost for hybrid power solutions in a 1,700 TEU container feeder vessel.

The pressure is increasing on the world to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to prevent a climate crisis. The ambitious task of reducing shipping emissions 50% by 2050, as compared to 2008 has been set by the IMO. MAN Energy Solutions, Corvus Energy and DNV GL worked towards this challenge by studying the potential of using batteries in a container feeder vessel, to check if it is possible to both reduce emissions and save operational costs.

“There were several factors that went into the selection of a container feeder vessel for the study,” said Hans Anton Tvete, DNV GL. “We were looking at where hybrid systems could offer significant efficiency gains, which pointed to operational states with fluctuating power demand. This typically occurs with large consumers such as cranes, pumps, ventilation fans, or manoeuvring equipment, especially in port. Container feeders, with their frequent port stays and increased time in port, are ripe for efficiency gains through the use of hybrid solutions. Also, as this fleet is aging, new tonnage is likely to be on order in the near future,” Tvete said.

“Focusing on a container feeder vessel we were able to generate a typical propulsion power profile from vessel speed data, as well as an artificial time-resolved electrical load profile from the according electrical load table. These are the most important inputs for the MAN simulation tool ECO-ESS. Together with the specific battery and engine characteristics, it is possible to optimize the size of a battery in a hybrid propulsion system for the 2020 and 2030 scenario as an optimum of additional CAPEX and OPEX savings.” says Carina Kern, MAN Energy Solutions.

Two main scenarios were explored by the study, which includes a vessel built in 2020 with a 500kWh battery system replacing one genset used for peak shaving and as a spinning reserve, and a vessel built in 2030, using a much larger 11MWh hybrid system for zero emission port entry and exit. Under the first scenario, with the hybrid power train resulting in an approximately 13% total cost for the vessel, payback times are as low as two to three years. However, the larger system increases the costs of the vessel significantly, meaning that only with a combination of lower prices for the battery system and higher fuel costs than today would the system be economically attractive.

“It is our hope that these study results will increase cargo shipowner confidence in seeking out new energy solutions, as a good economic rationale already exists for supporting auxiliary loads with a hybrid configuration,” said Sean Puchalski, Corvus Energy. “As for the future propulsion scenario, perhaps we will not have to wait until 2030. We are already seeing strong demand for high capacity energy storage systems in passenger vessels. With the right leadership from cargo owners, we may see this translate to the merchant sector sooner than later.”

“Energy storage has proven to be a highly successful way to reduce emissions for several categories of ships,” said Tommy Sletten, Corvus Energy. “If we speed up the adoption of green technology for vessels transporting goods, then we will really get results! Container vessels are often ‘low cost’ vessels and there is a reluctance to invest in green technology without other initiatives in place,” continued Sletten. “To reach the global goal of 50% carbon emission reduction by 2050, strict regulations and various governmental initiatives are required. Initiatives such as funding for new buildings, slot priority in harbors and reduced port fees for vessels with improved environmental systems will help greatly.”

“Energy storage has proven to be a highly successful way to reduce emissions for several categories of ships,” said Tommy Sletten, Corvus Energy. “If we speed up the adoption of green technology for vessels transporting goods, then we will really get results! Container vessels are often ‘low cost’ vessels and there is a reluctance to invest in green technology without other initiatives in place,” continued Sletten. “To reach the global goal of 50% carbon emission reduction by 2050, strict regulations and various governmental initiatives are required. Initiatives such as funding for new buildings, slot priority in harbors and reduced port fees for vessels with improved environmental systems will help greatly.”


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Containerships Announced Second LNG-Powered Ship ‘the CONTAINERSHIPS POLAR’

Containerships, which is an expert in Intra-Europe and a subsidiary of the CMA CGM Group (a world leader in shipping and logistics), announced that it took delivery of its second container ship which is powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG), the CONTAINERSHIPS POLAR.

A new LNG ship joins the fleet: CONTAINERSHIPS POLAR

On June 23,2019 the CONTAINERSHIPS POLAR will be phased into the redesigned BALT 2 service in the Port of Rotterdam as the second LNG-powered ship for Containerships and the CMA CGM Group. At the beginning of May, the 1,380-TEU vessel started its voyage from Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard in China to Northern Europe where it will operate alongside its sister ship CONTAINERSHIPS NORD.

The CONTAINERSHIPS POLAR is suited for the navigational and climatic challenges of its operational area in Northern Europe and the Baltics because of its dimensions and its high ice class. Containerships is underlining its customer-oriented approach and the ship provides best-in-class container intake with an exceptional high intake of 40ft and 45ft pallet-wide high cube containers.

At the end of June, in Rotterdam the vessel’s first LNG bunkering will be carried out where it will fuel an approximate of 200 metric tons of liquefied natural gas via ship-to-ship bunkering.

Till the end of the year, with its future sister ships CONTAINERSHIPS ARCTIC and CONTAINERSHIPS AURORA, two more LNG-powered vessels will join the fleet.


  • Capacity: 1,380 TEU / 360 Reefer Plugs
  • LOA, Width, Draft: 170 m, 27 m, 6.9 m
  • Propulsion: Dual-Fuel LNG (10080 KW)
  • Ice Class: 1A
  • Shipyard: Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard

BALT 2 – a redesigned environmentally-friendly service covering Northern Europe

The CONTAINERSHIPS POLAR will link Northern Europe with the Baltic states and Russia and will be deployed in the redesigned weekly BALT 2 service. A total of seven major European ports are served, which includes the Port of Rotterdam which acts as an important transshipment hub, but also as bunkering port for the LNG vessels. With transit times of only 3-5 days, the BALT 2 service offers a fast and highly reliable connection between Northern Continent and the Baltics.

Moreover, customers of Containerships can profit from excellent transshipment and sustainable multimodal on-carriage solutions in the respective ports for further distribution of their goods.

Port rotation:
Teesport – Zeebrugge – Rotterdam – Helsinki – St. Petersburg – Riga – Gdynia – Teesport

Deployed Ships:


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At Portsmouth Apostleship Of The Sea Supported The Crew After The Death Of Colleague

After the death of seafarer on board, a port chaplain in Portsmouth, South England, stepped in for providing priestly care for a reefer ship’s crew upon the request of its manager, Seatrade Groningen BV. On the Comoros Stream, the 19 crew members were worried after their colleague’s death while they were at sea in the Atlantic en-route to Portsmouth. They requested that the ship should be blessed when they arrived in port as they were feeling uncomfortable and wanted to seek reassurance. Peter Morgan, Portsmouth port chaplain from seafarers’ charity Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) arranged for a local priest, Fr Peter Hart, from St Margaret Mary Church, to celebrate Mass on board and bless the ship.

On June 4, Peter, AoS ship visitors Geoff Breeze and Elfi Ip, and Fr Peter boarded the vessel to meet the crew.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

MOL And Japanese Shipyards Announced Vessel Design EeneX For Next Generation Coal Carrier

MOL announced a vessel design called “EeneX,” for a 90-type (90,000 DWT) next-generation coal carrier. It has been developed in cooperation with Japanese shipyards.

The design of vessel is drawn on the shipyard’s extensive knowledge of coal carriers as well as with the knowledge of MOL’s ship operation, with the goal of achieving safe, reliable and economically efficient transport of coal, an important energy resource for Japan. MOL proposes the “EeneX” brand with the concept of providing optimal, “stress-free” transport service for customers and the environment.

Main characteristics of EeneX

  1. The adoption of a double-hull structure
    This allows cargo to hold with its completely flat sides and eliminates the work of scraping out coal. This feature  boosts the efficiency of discharging operations and also speeds up cargo handling.
  2. The semi-box shape of the hold
    This also prevents cargo from accumulating inside, for further improvement in discharging operations and speeding up cargo handling.
  3. Eliminating the ballast hold, so as to be cargo hold only
    Unlike conventional coal carriers, on which the cargo holds are sometimes filled with ballast water to maintain the ship’s stability during ballast voyages, the EeneX carrier has only dedicated cargo holds with safe stability.
    This saves the effort of preparation time for ballasting into cargo hold and also reduces the risk of salt and rust contamination due to rust in the cargo hold.

The EeneX carrier design reflects MOL’s proactive stance in providing safe, reliable, and stress-free transport of resources and energy.

Outline of EeneX

  • LOA is About 235m
  • Breadth is About 38m
  • Draft is About 20.05m
  • Deadweight tons is About 89,900 MT

(Note 1)
MOL’s intentions is expressed by Eenex of promoting the expansion of global energy (“ene”) by continually playing a part in coal-fired thermal power generation, combining “E,” which stands for the key words below, with “X,” which conveys synergy.
(1) Efficient
(2) Ease
(3) Ecological
(4) Economical
(5) Evolve


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Incident Of Abduction Of Crew Occured Off Semporna, Sabah

On 18 June 2019 at 02:45 hours, an incident of kidnapping of crew occurred off Semporna, Sabah on board two Malaysian Flag fishing boats.

The two fishing boats accordingly were in Lahad Datu’s Tambisan waters and heading towards Semporna when they were hijacked by gunmen. It is believed to be heavily armed, in speedboats.

Accordingly, the culprits have taken four of the six crew members in the first fishing boat and six of the ten crew members in the second boat.

Source: Media Report

This information is provided to inform maritime situational awareness for mariners operating in the area.

Any further information on this incident is appreciated.


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Eco Marine Power Appreciates Recently Announced Introduction Of Poseidon Principles

The recently announced introduction of the Poseidon Principles which is a global framework for assessing and disclosing the climate alignment of financial institutions’ shipping portfolios has been appreciated by Eco Marine Power (EMP). These principles will also have a strong emphasis on zero emissions and EMP’s renewable energy solutions and design concepts that are ideally suited to meet this challenge. For example EMP’s Aquarius Marine Solar Power is now available and was recently installed on a large cargo ship. This solar power system designed for ships provides vessels with an emissions free source of energy that can also supplement emergency or back-up power. The solution uses a computer management system which also logs fuel consumption and calculates vessel emissions.

Another example in developing zero-emission solutions from EMP is the Aquarius Eco ShipTM. This is an ongoing low-emission concept design project which was begun in 2012 and has led to the development of a number of innovative renewable energy solutions for ships including the patented EnergySail® and Aquarius MRE®. Currently these zero-emission power & propulsion solutions are being readied for sea trials and are also suitable for a wide range of ships including bulkers, tankers, cruise ships and RoRo vessels.

Commenting on the news of the Poseidon Principles, Greg Atkinson, Chief Technology Officer at Eco Marine Power said, “The linking of shipping finance with environmental standards by a number of global banks will help encourage the building of more energy efficient ships. He added, “In the near future I also hope the Poseidon Principles will take into account the protection of the overall marine environment including waste water discharges & waste management.”


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IMO And UN Environment To Implement Programs For The Clean Mediterranean

IMO-administered pollution response facility in the Mediterranean is going to launch to a far-reaching  program of activities which would be designed to help address the adverse effects of shipping on human health and marine ecosystems.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

ICS To Set Action On Further CO2 Reduction And Commits For IMO Global Sulphur Cap

The meeting of Representatives of the world’s national shipowners’ associations was held last week in the Faroe Islands to review the priorities of the global shipowners’ association, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS). Due to by the attacks against two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman and the very serious threat this presents to the lives of seafarers and maritime trade concealed The ICS Annual General Meeting.

Action on CO2 Reduction

ICS agreed upon a connected set of actions to decarbonise international shipping in line with the United Nations 1.5 degree climate change goal in support of the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO) strategy.

Speaking from the Faroe Islands, ICS Chairman, Esben Poulsson said ‘It is imperative that IMO Member States adopt a new global regulation to mandate further short term CO2 reduction measures at the next session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee in 2020. This should deliver further CO2 reductions by 2023 to help us meet the IMO target set for 2030. We will work with a broad coalition of governments to produce a comprehensive proposal that can be submitted to IMO in September this year.’

Mr Poulsson continued ‘The core of this proposal will be the Super SEEMP concept, whereby shipping companies globally will have to demonstrate they are doing absolutely everything possible to reduce fuel consumption, strictly enforced via flag state audits of Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans. But we also agreed to incorporate elements of the many other good proposals made by governments at the last round of IMO discussions on CO2 reduction in May.’

Mr Poulsson added ‘By coming forward with an early proposal for immediate adoption we wish to support continuing IMO leadership on GHG emissions and quickly incentivise further action by shipping companies. We do not wish to limit proper consideration of other ideas such as speed reduction or the use of new CO2 reduction technologies.’

The ICS AGM also confirmed the vital importance of research and development of zero-carbon fuels and propulsion systems which will act as a mjor role in achieving the ambitious IMO target of cutting shipping’s total GHG emissions by 50% by 2050 which is not in regards with maritime trade growth, and continuation of work with other industry stakeholders to explore how R&D can best be rapidly accelerated.

2020 Global Sulphur Cap

ICS members reiterated their commitment towards the successful implementation of the IMO global sulphur cap from 1 January 2020. They also noted ICS’s plans which is to revise the comprehensive guidance to shipowners on ensuring compliance, considering recent IMO decisions. This is notwithstanding continuing uncertainty about the worldwide availability of safe and compliant low sulphur fuels, and the operational challenges associated with using new 0.5% max. sulphur blends.

Mr Poulsson said ‘Our meeting welcomed the decision of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee last week, at which ICS led shipowner representation, to adopt an MSC Resolution addressing safety and fuel quality issues associated with the sulphur cap.’

This MSC Resolution on “Recommended Interim Measures to Enhance the Safety of Ships Relating to the Use of Oil Fuel” means that the maritime administrations will encourage bunker suppliers to provide only low sulphur fuels that meet the latest ISO Standard, i.e. ISO 8217:2017 plus the ISO Publicly Available Specification (PAS 23263) which is currently still under development. Also, the Resolution should result in administrations taking action against fuel suppliers whenever failures to provide safe fuel take place, with instances to be reported to IMO.

The concern of ICS still remains, the concern is about continue delays with the publication of the latest ISO Publicly Available Specification for low sulphur fuels, and related quality and safety issues where control depends on these standards being quickly finalised and distributed, when it is known that the industry is only six months away from full global implementation.

Mr Poulsson added “It is vital that everyone concerned including governments, ISO, oil producers and bunker suppliers redouble their efforts to ensure that safe and compatible fuels – including 0.5% blends for those ships that choose to use them – will be available in every port worldwide.”


In the meeting Lasse Kristoffersen (Norway) has been elected as a new ICS Vice Chairman, serving alongside John Adams (Bahamas), Emanuele Grimaldi (Italy) and Mark Martecchini (Liberia) in support of the ICS Chairman, Esben Poulsson (Singapore).The Shipowners of the Faroe Islands hosted the 2019 ICS AGM. The 2019 ICS Annual Review of developments affecting global shipping can be downloaded here.


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15 Deepest Parts Of The Ocean

The earth is known as the ‘blue planet’ because of its blue appearance from space. This blue color obviously comes from the oceans on earth ...