Tuesday, May 12, 2020

15 Deepest Parts Of The Ocean

The earth is known as the ‘blue planet’ because of its blue appearance from space. This blue color obviously comes from the oceans on earth which comprise nearly 70% of the total surface of the planet. Oceans are an important field of research as they comprise of currents, volcanoes, mountains, tectonic plates, shallow waters, deep trenches and what not. This article discusses the deepest parts of the ocean also known as ocean trenches on the surface of the earth, the tectonic plates that were responsible for their creation and how they affect the regions nearby due to the many seismic activities that take place in them.

List of deepest parts of the ocean

The following are the ten deepest parts in the oceans of the earth.

1. Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, is considered to be the deepest point on the Earth. It would actually be more precise to say that the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest point on the surface of the Earth.

Mariana Trench Location
Mariana Trench Location

It is located at a distance of about 200 km east of the Mariana Islands.

On average, the Mariana Trench is 69 km in width and 2,550 km in length. Its maximum depth has been measured at 11,034 m in the Challenger Deep, though some studies have reported it to be 10,910 m deep.

Cross-section of Mariana Trench
Cross-section of Mariana Trench

It is interesting to note that Mt. Everest, the tallest peak on Earth, if made to stand in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench would still be covered with more than a mile of water.

The pressure at the bottom of the trench is about 1,086 bars. This value is more than a thousand times larger than the standard atmospheric pressure at the sea level.

The convergence of the oceanic plates of the lithosphere has caused the deep holes in the Mariana Trench. A trough was formed from the flexure at the line of contact of the colliding planes. This was caused by one of the plains descend into the mantle. The high pressure at the seabed caused the density of the water at the bottom of the Mariana Trench to rise by 4.96%.

At the bottom of the trench, the temperature is quite constant, only ranging from about 1 degree Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius.

Several studies across the world report that microbial life forms exist within the trench.

2. Tonga Trench

Tonga Trench
Tonga Trench

The Tonga Trench is known to be the second deepest natural trench on the earth. It is also the deepest natural trench in the Southern Hemisphere. It is located in the south-western part of the Pacific Ocean at the Kermadec Tonga Subduction Zone’s northern end.

The Kermadec Ridge is the region between the Lau back-arc basin and the Tonga Trench. Its movement is independent of the Australian and Pacific plates. The region is divided into several smaller plates like Kermadec, Tonga or Niuafo’ou. The plate called Tonga faces the Tonga Trench.

It is 10,882 m below sea level and its sediments are said to be the shelter for a community of roundworms.

It stretches at a distance of 2,500 km from New Zealand’s North Island, north-east to the island of Tonga. The deepest point in the trench is known as the Horizon Deep which as mentioned before is the deepest point on earth after the Challenge Deep. Horizon Deep is named after the research vessel called ‘Horizon’. The crew members of the ship discovered the deep in December 1952.

This trench experiences the fastest tectonic plate velocity on the earth. This velocity is being subducted towards the west direction in the trench. According to researchers, the large volcanoes formed in the Japan Trench, as well as the Mariana Trench, have been caused by these plate movements.

3. Philippine Trench

Philippine Trench
Philippine Trench

The Philippine Trench is a submarine trench that is a narrow but long trench, lying in the east of the Philippine coast, in the western Pacific Ocean. It is also known as the Mindanao Trench, Mindanao deep of Philippine Deep. Until 1970, it was thought to be the deepest point of the earth.

The length of the trench is approximately 1,329 km and its width about 30 km. It stretches from the center of the Luzon island of the Philippines to its southeast towards the north of the Maluku, Halmahera in Indonesia.

The deepest point of the trench is called the Galathea Deep which is located at a depth of 10,540 meters under the sea. This makes it the third deepest point on the entire earth.

The trench was formed as a result of a collision between the Eurasian Plate and the smaller Philippine plate about 8.9 million years ago.

Many seismic activities have been recorded in this region, most of which have had a magnitude of more than 7.2 on the Richter Scale. The most recent of these earthquakes took place in 2012. It had a magnitude of 7.6.  One of the largest recorded magnitudes of earthquakes in the region was 8.2 which was of an earthquake that took place in 1924 and is considered among the largest in history.

Other notable trenches located in the Philippine Sea are the Sulu Trench, the Manila Trench, the East Luzon trench, the Negros Trench and the Cotabato trench.

4. Kuril-Kamchatka Trench

Kuril-Kamchatka Trench
Kuril-Kamchatka Trench

The Kuril-Kamchatka Trench is a trench lying in the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean. It is also called the Kuril Trench.

It is located in the southwest of the clast of Kamchatka paralleling the Kuril Island chain till the Japan Trench lying in the east of Hokkaido. It extends from a part of the ocean in Russia called the Commander Islands to its southwest, near the Japan trench.

The tectonic plate called the Pacific plate is still subducting beneath the Okhotsk Plate at the very region of the Kurile-Kamchatka Plate.

It has a depth of 10,500 m below the sea level and is regarded as the fourth deepest point on the entire planet earth. It was formed as a result of subduction millions of years ago. It is believed that the same subduction was responsible for forming the Kuril and the Kamchatka arcs. The region experiences very high volcanism. It has caused many disastrous earthquakes in history which have had magnitudes as high as 9.0 on the Richter Scale, most of them taking place in the region of Kamchatka itself.

The most recent one of these earthquakes took place on 18 July 2017 in Kamchatka. It had a magnitude of 7.8.

5. Kermadec Trench

Kermadec Trench
Kermadec Trench

The Kermadec Trench is an oceanic trench lying in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. It stretches from around 1,000 km between the Louisville Seamount Chain in the North and the Hikurangi Plateau in the South. The Louisville Seamount Chain and the Hikurangi Plateau both lie at the southeast of the North Island in New Zealand. It is regarded as the fifth deepest point on the planet.

The trench has a maximum depth of 10,047 m, and a length of nearly 2000 km.

It was formed due to the subduction of the Pacific plate under the Indo-Australian Plate. It is was formed as a result of the same subduction that is continued by the Tonga Plate towards the north.

The trench happens to be home to various different types of species including an amphipod that is one of the largest in the world. They are approximately 34 cm long and are found at the bottom of the trench. In addition to this, different other aquatic species like the Hadal Snailfish, the Notoliparis kermadecensis and a species of pearlfish have been seen here.

A few years ago, an unmanned submarine was sent to conduct explorations in the Kermadec trench. Unfortunately, it could not withstand the extreme pressure at 9,990 meters depth and imploded. Various news channels covered it.

6. Izu-Ogasawara Trench

Izu-Ogasawara Trench
Izu-Ogasawara Trench

The Izu-Ogasawara Trench is an oceanic trench which is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It is also known as the Izu-Bonin Trench. It stretches from Japan to the northern section of the Mariana Trench. It is also an extension of the Japan Trench which comes next in our list.

It consists of two trenches namely the Izu Trench at the north and the Bonin Trench at the south. The Bonin Trench lies at the west of the Ogasawara Plateau. The trench has hence named the way it is. It is one of the deepest trenches on the entire planet.

This trench too, like most of the deepest trenches in the world, experiences high tectonic plate activity. In this region, the Pacific plate is subducting beneath the Philippine Sea Plate resulting in the creation of the islands of Izu and Bonin lying on the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc system which is more than 2,800 m in length.

At its deepest point, the trench lies 9,780 m under the sea making it the sixth deepest place on earth.

7. Japan Trench

Japan Trench
Japan Trench

The Japan Trench is an oceanic trench lying in the Northern Pacific Ocean in the Pacific Ring of Fire. It is located at the northeast of Japan. The Japan Trench stretches from the Kuril Islands to the Bonin Islands and is also an extended portion of the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench and the Izu-Ogasawara Trench to the north and south respectively.

At its deepest point, the trench lies at 9000 m under the sea, making it one of the deepest trenches on the entire planet.

This trench was created as a result of the subduction of the oceanic Plateau plate beneath the continental Okhotsk plane. The deep trench was created due to the bending of the plate which was going down. The ongoing subduction of the plates is one of the primary reasons for the occurrences of tsunamis on the island of Japan. It experiences great seismic activities, causing frequent earthquakes of large magnitudes.

The most recent of these earthquakes took place on 11 March 2011 in Japan. It has a magnitude of about 7.9 on the Richter Scale.

8. Puerto Rico Trench

Puerto Rico Trench
Puerto Rico Trench

The Puerto Rico Trench is an oceanic trench located in the Atlantic Ocean. It is actually located at the boundary of or rather between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The Puerto Rico Trench is the 8th deepest point on the surface of the earth. This trench lies at a depth of 8640 m with Milwaukee Deep as its deepest point. It is also the deepest point on the Earth which does not lie in the Pacific Ocean.

The location of the trench is at the boundary of two plates namely the Caribbean Plate and the North American Plate. The Caribbean Plate is moving towards the east while the North American Plate is moving towards the west, hence forming a subduction zone where the Caribbean Plate is obliquely subducting the North American Plate. This explains the presence of several active volcanoes in the southeastern part of the Caribbean Sea. The islands in this region experience very strong volcanic activities.

The places like Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, United States Virgin Islands, etc. are constantly at risk of getting struck by earthquakes and tsunamis of high magnitudes.

It stretches for a length of 800 km. This trench accounts for many of the tsunamis and earthquakes of this region. In 1964, the French bathyscaphe Archimedes first tried to explore the sea-floor. Later in 2012, a robotic vehicle was sent to the trench to do research on the characteristics of the trench. Since then several expeditions have been carried out in an attempt to map the region.

9. South Sandwich Trench

South Sandwich Trench
South Sandwich Trench

The South Sandwich Trench is an oceanic trench lying in the Atlantic Ocean. Some of the parts of the trench also lie in the Southern Ocean as it stretches till far. In fact, the trench contains the deepest point in the Southern Ocean which lies 7,235 m under the sea.

The South Sandwich Trench is one of the deepest trenches in the Atlantic Ocean, second only to the Puerto Rico Trench and is also the 9th deepest point on the surface of the earth. It is located 100 m to the east of the South Sandwich Islands and is hence named after them.

The deepest point of the trench is called the Meteor Deep and it is at a depth of 8,420 m under the sea. Meteor Deep lies 120 km off the northeast of the Zavodovski Island. The trench is 965 km in length.

The subduction of the South American Plate’s southernmost portion under the small South Sandwich Plate resulted in this trench. The South Sandwich trench also happens to be linked to an active volcanic arc.

10. Peru–Chile Trench

Peru–Chile Trench
Peru–Chile Trench

The Peru-Chile trench is an oceanic trench that lies in the Eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It is located around 160 km off the coast of Peru and Chile. It is also known as the Atacama Trench.

The deepest point of the trench is called the Richards Deep which is 8,065 m deep making it the tenth deepest point on the surface of the earth.

The trench has a length of nearly 5,900 km and a width of 64 km.

The convergence of the boundary between the subducting Nazca and the South American plates led to the formation of the Atacama Trench.

The trench is also associated with a lot of earthquakes which are a result of the subduction of the Nazca Plate below the South American Plate. In fact, one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on earth took place in this region and it has a magnitude of 9.5 on the Richter scale. The most recent earthquake in this region took place Illapel in 2015 and it had a magnitude of 7.0.

We have discussed the 10 deepest trenches in the earth’s oceans. However, these are not the only existing deep trenches. There are hundreds of them. Following are some more notable ocean trenches on the surface of the Earth:

11. The Diamantina Trench

The Diamantina Trench
The Diamantina Trench

When Australia and Antarctica drifted apart, fracture zones in the earth’s crust were created. The Diamantina Trench is one of these fractures. It lies off the southwestern tip of the continent of Australia. With a maximum depth of nearly 8,050 m, it is the eleventh deepest trench on the surface of the earth. It is also one of the deepest points of the Indian Ocean. The peak of Mount Everest would form an island of a maximum elevation of 900 m if its base was at the same depth.

12. Cayman Trough

Cayman Trough
Cayman Trough

The Cayman Trough or the Cayman Trench is an oceanic trench lying on the floor of the western part of the Caribbean Sea. It lies between the islands of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands after which it has been named. With a maximum depth of 7,686 m, it is one of the deepest points on the surface of the earth. It is the deepest point of the Caribbean Sea. It also forms a part of the tectonic boundary lying between the regions of the Caribbean Plate and the North American Plate.

13. Yap Trench

Yap Trench
Yap Trench

The Yap Trench is an oceanic trench lying in the western Pacific Ocean near the Yap Islands. It lies between the Palau Islands and the Mariana Trench. It is a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. It has a length of 650 km. At its deepest point, it is 8,527 m deep, making it one of the deepest points on earth. It is a part of the chain of trenches between the southwestern edge of the Bering Sea and the southern tip of the Philippine Trench.

14. Middle America Trench

Middle America Trench
Middle America Trench

The Middle America Trench is an oceanic trench and a subduction zone lying off the coast of middle America in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It stretches from central Mexico to Costa Rica. The length of this trench is 2,750 km while its depth is 6,669 m at its deepest point. This makes it one of the deepest parts of the earth’s crust. It is the eighteenth deepest trench in the world. This region is prone to many earthquakes having experienced several large ones in the past decades.

15. Sunda Trench

Sunda Trench
Sunda Trench

The Sunda Trench or the Java Trench is an oceanic trench lying near Sumatra in the Indian Ocean. It is formed at the place where the subduction of the Australian-Capricorn Plate under a part of the Eurasian Plate takes place. The length of the trench is 3,200 km while its depth is 7,725 m. It is one of the deepest points of the Indian Ocean and the earth’s crust. This trench is a part of the Pacific Ring of Fire as well as the ring of oceanic trenches lying around the north Australian Plate. This region is prone to tsunamis and a tsunami warning system has also been established here.

Also read: Top 12 Most Famous Sunken Ships

from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/deepest-parts-of-the-ocean/

Top 15 Personal Submarines To Travel Ocean In Style

A submarine is a vessel that is capable of operating underwater independently. Most of the time it is used by the government of different countries for national protection and during wartime. Submarines are some of the rarest and the most fascinating marine vessels in the world. Unlike other ships like yachts, submarines are not very commonly privately owned. Exceptional people who have their personal submarines are without a doubt neighbor’s envy. Such people include businessmen, Marine sports enthusiasts or socialites.

Top Personal Submarines

This article lists some interesting models of submarines built by engineering companies and owned by private individuals.

1) Phoenix 1000

Phoenix 1000 Luxury Personal Submarine
Phoenix 1000 Luxury Personal Submarine

The Phoenix 1000 is one of the largest and the most expensive personal submarines ever built. It is 65 meters long and has an area of 5000 square feet. It consists of 10 bedrooms, a wine cellar, James, a fully equipped kitchen, jacuzzi, and several viewing areas. The cost of the submarine is 78 million dollars.

2) Necker Nymph

Necker Nymph
Necker Nymph

The Necker Nymph is a submarine owned by multi-millionaire Richard Branson, the founder of the Virgin Aquatic. It is 4.6 meters in length and has a beam of 3 meters. it can go up to 40 meters underwater and carry 3 passengers and one crew member. It is based in the British Virgin Islands at the Virgin Limited Edition resort. It can offer a speed of up to 6 knots. The estimated cost of the submarine is 415,000 pounds.

3) The SportSub Collection

The SportSub Collection is a collection of a number of private submarines is coming with technical highlights and uniqueness. The prices of these submarines can range from $30,000 25 million dollars. They usually focus on the experience, safety, usability, and weight of the submarines.

4) Triton Personal Submarines

VAS personal Submarine
Triton Personal Submarines https://ift.tt/2LiMFB4

Triton Personal Submarines is a brand that has its own fleet of personalized submarines for the purposes of both technological empowerment and underwater recreation. The submarines can come with varying diving abilities, capacities and prices.

5) VAS Submarine

VAS personal Submarine
VAS personal Submarine

The VAS Submarine is one of the most expensive and most luxurious personal submarines in the world. We can provide a maximum speed of 6 knots and has the capacity to hold 5 passengers. It contains several other recreational features and is equipped with many Hi-Tech instruments to improve its operational ability.

6) EGO Compact

The EGO Compact is another brand name. It consists of several models of different personal submarines each of which gives the user experience of viewing the different species of flora and fauna of the oceans.

7) The Killer Whale Submarine

The Killer Whale Submarine represents the appearance of a killer whale as its name suggests. The shape of the submarine allows it to maneuver in a manner similar to that of a killer whale in its habitat. At a price of a hundred thousand dollars, this is also one of the more expensive personal submarines in the world.

8) Spy Master

Spy Master is a small personal submarine that can accommodate only one person. It can also be called a mini-submarine and resembles the appearance of a scooter. It can allow the passenger to go down up to 12 meters deep. It runs on a battery that can last for about 60 to 80 minutes for a single trip. It cost about 12,000 pounds.

9) U-boat Submarines

U-boat Submarine
U-boat Submarine

U-boat Submarines is the name of a brand that features a number of commendable personal submarines. Each of these submarines can go at least 100 meters deep into the water and are designed to provide maximum comfort, an uninterrupted view of the oceans and complete safety to the passengers.

10) Seabreacher X

Seabreacher X personal submarine
Seabreacher X personal submarine

The Seabreacher X is one of the most technologically advanced marine vessels ever built. It has been equipped with a high-powered engine system so as to provide it with better propulsion while it is underwater. It has a length of about 5 meters and a beam of 1 meter. The price of the submarine depends on the model on sale.

11) Scubster

A scubster is a small-sized submarine, specifically built for the purpose of marine research and related activities. It is compact and fast, providing a speed of 8 knots. It works on battery and is designed for all features in a practical manner.

12) DeepFlight Super Falcon

FOURSEASONS_DEEPFLIGHT_Short Version_H264 from Adam Wright on Vimeo.

A DeepFlight Super Falcon is a submarine with excellent underwater operational abilities. It was developed by Graham Hawkes. It provides with a speed of about 6 knots and is best known for the oceanic depths that it can go up to.

13) Neyk Submarine

Neyk Submarine
Neyk Submarine

Neyk Submarine is the most recent model from the Dutch builder, Ocean Submarine. It has a capacity to occupy 20 passengers, can dive up to 500 meters beneath the oceans and provides excellent speed of 15 knots.

14) Seamagine Aurora-5

This is another highly advanced submarines with an ability to dive as deep as 1000 meters. It can occupy 4 passengers and a pilot. It costs about 3.2 million dollars.

15) Deepflight Dragon

This submarine is quite easy to pilot. It is also safe to use. It resembles a race car in appearance and runs on battery. It can dive up to 400 m deep. It is silent and has zero power emissions.

Also read: More expensive yacht

from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/personal-submarines/

Saturday, April 25, 2020

What Are The Causes And Effects Of Ocean Pollution?

Ocean pollution has become a serious problem confronting the world. It cannot be ignored for long. We know that oceans cover most of the surface of our planet. In fact, more than 70% of the entire Earth’s surface is covered by some kind of a water body. Oceans and other water bodies are very important for us as they provide us with many natural resources like salt and other important minerals.

They also provide us with energy resources like oil, gas and some precious metals. They play an essential role in the regulation of temperatures and climate. Oceans are responsible for more than 70% of the oxygen on earth because they contain a microscopic plant called the phytoplankton.

Oceans are also an important source of food for people. Many people on earth depend on fish for proteins. Several sea plants and algae are also used to cook food.

Oceans are the natural habitat of millions of species of plants and animals. Pollution of the ocean affects them the most. Also, more than 60% of the human population lives on the coastline and depends directly on oceans for their livelihood.

Oceans also provide us with an extremely important means of transport that is ships and other vessels. The fact that water transport is one of the most economical in the world makes oceans even more crucial an indispensable for us. The marine industry is also one of the biggest employers in the world employing millions of people.

Oceans also hold military strategic and fundamental political importance.

Despite being aware of all of this we can find today’s seas and oceans being polluted and contaminated because of human activities over the past few decades, much like most of the other natural resources on the planet. Today, many toxic chemicals are present in the oceans which are harmful to all living beings on Earth. Many human activities are causing damage to oceans and marine biodiversity.

This article discusses some of the major causes of ocean pollution, how it is affecting our planet and why it is so important to understand the severity of our activities.

Causes of Ocean Pollution

1) Oil Industry

Skimming Oil after an Oil Spill
Skimming Oil after an Oil Spill pic: https://ift.tt/1embLMv

The oil industry is one of the most catastrophic causes of ocean pollution, the major reason for this being oil spills. Oil spills threaten the survival of marine life by cutting down their oxygen supply and contaminating their habitat. Even the smallest of all spells are known to have caused great damage to not only fish and aquatic mammals but also birds and sea otters. Oil spills are caused by offshore drilling rigs and boat and ship leakages.

It takes a lot of time and resources to remove oil from oceans and reduce the damage caused by just one oil spill. Still, the discharged oil cannot be completely cleaned up and continues to pollute the oceans for several years.

2) Garbage Dumping

Garbage Dumping
Garbage Dumping

A lot of garbage and other waste materials are dumped in the ocean by factories, industries, ships, and tankers every year. This garbage usually contains toxic materials and chemicals like mercury or DDT. All these chemicals can cause great damage to ocean life as well as human life due to eutrophication or biomagnification. Inland pollution also contributes to ocean pollution significantly.

Much of the pollutants in the ocean are released into the water from coastlines. These can include trash, bits, and pieces of plastics and cans, etc which slowly move into the ocean and then later can take hundreds of years to decompose. Small pieces of garbage can also be accidentally ingested by marine animals like turtles or dolphins which can result in their deaths over time.

3) Ocean Mining

Mining activities taking place in the deep oceans is also a major cause of ocean pollution. The ocean floor is drilled and dug for the extraction of minerals and metal ores such as silver, gold, zinc, aluminum, etc. Mining processes unknown to generate scores of sulfide deposits in the water which results in the destruction of oceans and coastal regions.

These also increase the toxicity levels in the oceans in the mining areas. Mining can also lead to leakages and oil spills which can have further devastating impacts on the environment.

4) Sewage

Sewage Dumping In Sea
Sewage Dumping In Sea

Sewage or wastewater and its component excrements that are transported in the sewer system are finally released in the ocean waters. This wastewater consists of human or animal waste and dirty or used water. Some of the substances can be very harmful and cause serious health problems to the marine organisms if consumed. Sewage water is hardly ever treated before being released into water bodies. This results in the pollution of not just oceans or seas but also other water bodies like rivers or lakes.

5) Noise Pollution

It may be surprising to know that noise pollution is also one of the biggest threats to marine life. Rainy season noise pollution and the sea because of the ocean traffic as well as the sound from sonar devices and ocean mining. Also, sound waves travel faster in the deep sea than in air.

Many sea creatures use sound communication to meet, navigate and find food. Hence the increasing human-generated noise pollution in the oceans is are affecting the migration and reproduction patterns of many marine species like whales and dolphins.

6) Nuclear Waste

Nuclear waste is the waste generated by industrial, scientific and medical activities that use radioactive material. The main culprits of nuclear pollution in the oceans are the industries that produce nuclear waste such as power stations, reprocessing plants, and the military.

The food chain of marine animals is affected when the radiation from nuclear waste enters it through planktons and kelps. Marine animals also become contaminated when they consume it.

7) Thermal Pollution

Thermal pollution is caused when the water quality is lowered because of activities that change the water temperature. Some of the major causes of thermal pollution are manufacturing companies and power plants which release hot water into water bodies leading to a change in temperature of the ocean.

If the temperature of the ocean is suddenly changed it leads to a reduction in the oxygen supply and affects the entire ecosystem. Aquatic animals are not adapted to such high temperatures and may get affected or even killed by thermal shock.

8) Acid Rain

Acid rain is caused when harmful substances like nitrogen oxide, are released into the atmosphere and react with water or other substances in the air and form nitric acid or sulphuric acid. This may be caused by any kind of pollution but when these chemicals find their way into marine waters, they can severely affect the life of sea creatures and increase the acidity of ocean water by decreasing the pH value.


Ocean pollution has led to many adverse effects on marine life as well as human life. The release of toxic waste and oceans because of activities like oil spills, the release of wastewater, dumping of waste, etc affects the life of sea creatures drastically. Other sea creatures many birds that depend on fish for their food are also affected. If these sea animals are consumed by humans, they can also cause several diseases.

  1. When there is an oil spin the supply of oxygen in that region-wise cut off of which affects the marine life in that area. Oil also prevents sunlight from reaching plants and affects the process of photosynthesis. This can even disrupt the cycle of coral reefs.
  2. When garbage dumped in the ocean, most of it does not get decomposed for several years and causes degradation of oxygen. The dropping of oxygen levels can affect the survival of animals like whales, dolphins, penguins, turtles, sharks, etc. over the course of time.
  3. Poisonous chemicals, pesticides, and industrial and agricultural waste also pose a threat to marine life. They can get accumulated in the fatty tissues of animals which can lead to the damage of their reproductive systems. This, in turn, puts that species on the verge of being endangered. the chemicals which are released into rivers eventually come down into the oceans. They are insoluble in the ocean waters and hence, sink at the bottom of the ocean. Animals at the bottom of the food chain may eat these hazardous chemicals. The effect of these chemicals can multiply as the food chain progresses and cause biomagnification which may also affect human beings.
  4. Finally, all of these causes of ocean pollution affect human beings as humans consume fish and other sea animals which may have been contaminated. Toxic substances and chemicals released into the oceans can hence cause long-term health problems and defects for human beings.

Natural resources are a gift to us. We should realize that human beings are not the only creatures living on the planet and that their activities can be injurious to other species as well. Our earth is getting more and more polluted by the minute and it is high time we took necessary actions at a personal as well as industrial level in order to save it because all of these will eventually cause the destruction of the entire planet including humans.

from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/causes-and-effects-of-ocean-pollution/

Is Career In Underwater Photography Lucrative?

Underwater photography is one of the most fascinating career options. If you have a passion for both photography and ocean then this is a field that is not only lucrative but also satisfying. Let’s know more about a career as an underwater photographer.

What is photography?

Photography is defined as the art of capturing light in the form of images with the help of a camera. The subjects of these images can be anything from everyday objects to nature or even stars and galaxies, depending on the equipment used and the purpose of the photograph. There are several branches of photography such as wildlife photography, food photography, fashion photography, photojournalism, etc. In this article, we will be discussing a very specific branch of photography which is underwater photography, what it is, the job and career options available in it and the kind of salary one can expect.

What is underwater photography?

Underwater photography is a branch of photography that involves the capturing of pictures underwater as the name suggests. The subjects of these pictures may include marine creatures, marine plants, and animals, coral reefs underwater scenarios like sunken ships, the effect of sunlight underwater, etc.

Underwater photography may also include shooting videos underwater.

What are the requirements and skills?

The first and the most important requirement to become an underwater photographer is to be a qualified SCUBA diver. It is a prerequisite for entering this field as all of the work is done underwater and photographers may need to spend long periods of time underwater at a stretch. A good place to train as a diver may be the Professional Association of Diving Instructors or PADI. A course in diving and snorkeling could last for 3 to 4 days. However, the course must be done through an accredited organization. In such courses, the candidates are taught the basics and proper scuba technique safety procedures.

Another obvious requirement is the skill of photography. Hence, it is better to pursue a degree in photography. Now a day, many colleges and universities offer diploma and degree courses in photography. This is necessary, not only for the skills in photography but also for the knowledge of knowing how to use different cameras and equipment. Having a degree with a marine background is also appreciated but not compulsory.

Listed below are some of the most reputed colleges providing courses in photography.

  • School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Yale University – School of Art
  • Rochester Institute of Technology – College of Imaging Arts & Sciences
  • University of Arizona – College of Fine Arts – Photography Division
  • Washington University in St. Louis – Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts
  • Tisch School of the Arts (NYU)
  • Delhi School of Photography, New Delhi
  • National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University, Hyderabad
  • Vevey School of Photography, Switzerland

There are very few institutions and schools that offer courses specifically for underwater photography. Most of it is about how to select and handle the equipment, create lighting in the circumstances underwater and how to choose the subject for your photograph. These courses are again or not compulsory but appreciated.

Other than all this, the aspirant must be physically fit and willing to travel a lot and spend long hours underwater for his or her projects. There are many pressure changes underwater and hence the divers must be in good health in order to withstand them.

The photographer should have a good sense of lighting and color contrasts, especially in such unusual situations and that too, naturally.

What Next?

Underwater photography is one of the most unique career options in the world. To be successful in this career, it is important to have more following and exposure. Here, social media platforms like Instagram or blogs can come in handy. And aspirant must also have an impressive, online portfolio in order to attract potential clients. Some companies do higher underwater photographers. However, most people in this field choose to be freelancers and work for magazines or channels like National Geographic or Discovery Channel.

It is always advised to take photography courses and learn how to use a camera and click photographs before taking a scuba diving course. This would make the journey of an underwater photographer smoother as one of the two main requirements is easily fulfilled beforehand.

It is after getting a scuba diving certification that an underwater photographer can start looking for projects.

The equipment for underwater photography is different from normal photography as the camera is needed to be taken underwater. It is most advisable to practice photography with a normal DSLR from Canon or Nikon and learn about the different aspects of photography, white balance, exposure and generally how to operate a camera.

Cameras that are used for underwater photography may be sealed in watertight plastic containers. Sometimes special flashes may also be used when taking photographs. The equipment must be properly checked before diving so that it doesn’t get damaged by leaking.

Underwater photographers may also choose their specialties like clicking pictures of animals like fish or dolphins, underwater vegetation, pictures of underwater scenarios such as sunken ships or even fashion photography underwater which is an upcoming field.

In the beginning, one may be paid much less than expected or maybe not even be paid at all. in such situations, it is always better to invest in the future by selling your photos at low cost to smaller publications in hopes of being discovered by major ones. It is also always better to get more and more experience in order to become successful and be recognized in this business. Some corporations may also employ underwater photographers.

However, there is another option available than freelancing or joining a company. One can always start their own underwater photography business by taking up projects based on an individualistic commission basis.

Underwater photography is a rough field and it is not very easy to find jobs here. You have to be brilliant in your profession in order to make a mark in the industry. Thus, perfection is the only key and perfection can only be achieved with a great amount of practice.

The following are some books that can give you tips and valuable insights about learning and perfecting the art of underwater photography.

  • Advanced Underwater Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers by Larry Gates
  • Winning Images with Any Underwater Camera: The essential guide to creating engaging photos by Paul Colley
  • Underwater Photography Masterclass by Alex Mustard
  • Glass and Water: The Essential Guide to Freediving for Underwater Photography by Mark Harris
  • Underwater Photography: Art and Techniques by Nick Robertson-Brown ARPS
  • The Beginner’s Guide to Underwater Digital Photography by Larry Gates
  • Water Light Time by David Doubilet
  • Underwater Photography: A Pictorial Guide to Shooting Great Pictures by Larry Gates
  • The Underwater Photographer by Martin Edge
  • Underwater Photography by Tobias Friedrich
  • The Underwater Photographer’s Guide: Practical tips on how to shoot like the pros by Richard Carey
  • 700 Sharks into the Dark by Laurent Ballesta
  • Jim Church’s Essential Guide to Composition by Jim Church
  • Howard Hall’s Guide to Successful Underwater Photography by Howard Hall

Read more: Learn more about lucrative marine careers

Equipment required for underwater photography

Underwater photography may come across as quite expensive when it comes to equipment such as cameras and accessories. Standard cameras alone main cost more than a thousand dollars excluding the accessories. The following are some of the basic equipment required in an underwater photography kit.

  • Camera
  • Macro + wide-angle lens
  • Flat port + dome port and Dome port cover, dome port share
  • Port extension, zoom gear, and dioptre (if it is required) for the WA lens
  • Lens cleaning kit
  • A couple of memory cards
  • Focus light + focus light accessories
  • Underwater Casing
  • Colour Correcting Filters
  • Underwater Flash/Strobes
  • Sync Cords & Fibre Optic Cables
  • Rechargeable Batteries

The most important piece of equipment is the camera. The following are some of the best cameras for underwater photography.

  • Sony RX100 III
  • Canon S120
  • Canon EOS MARK III 5D
  • Panasonic LX100
  • Olympus MARK II
  • Sony A711
  • Sony NEX A6000
  • GoPro HERO 6
  • Canon G7X
  • Nikon D810
  • Canon A570
  • Canon G9
  • Nikon D90
  • Nikon D300
  • Nikon D300s

What is the pay like for an underwater photographer?

Underwater photography is not the most fruitful career when it comes to salaries. On average, the salary of an ordinary underwater photographer is about 32,000 dollars per year. Some professionals or experts may earn up to 60,000 dollars a year. The job growth until 2024 is predicted to be just about 3% for all photographers.

All in all, it can be said that underwater photography is a career for people driven by passion. It is one of the best careers for those who seek adventure in life. The salary may not be the highest, but it certainly is one of the most unique careers that one can opt for. Any aspiring photographer should at least once try to explore this amazing field because it opens doors to a world that is beyond the sight of ordinary people.

from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/underwater-photography-career/

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What Is A Freight Forwarder?

A Freight Forwarder, also known as, a Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) is a person or company that looks into all the aspects of transporting a shipment from its manufacturer till its customer/final destination.

A freight forwarder is also known by names such as forwarder or forwarding agent.

Freight forwarding involves close coordination and shipment of goods from one place to another. It could either involve one carrier or multiple carriers. The mode of transportation could be roads, sea, air or railways.

Freight forwarding dates to as early as 1836 when Thomas Meadows and Company Ltd., England was established to cater to the intermediary needs of shipping goods.

Basically, freight forwarders handle all the logistics which includes a wide range of services like documentation, risk management, organization of shipping goods through the most reliable and cost-effective medium of transport.

Usually, to move goods from one point to another involves multiple agencies, documentation, tracking, storage, charges, insurance and billing. To make all this seamless, a freight forwarder is engaged.

In this article, we are going to cover all the details in length concerning freight forwarding and the paramount importance it holds in international and domestic shipping.

Services Provided By Freight Forwarder

Different freight forwarders provide different services. It’s important to know all kinds of services that can be provided by freight forwarders to give freedom of fair choice. There is a lot of risk, restrictions, rules, and paperwork which needs to be given proper thought before choosing a freight forwarder. The services are:

1) Customs clearance

Customs clearance work involves the preparation of genuine authorized documentation required to facilitate import and export submitted during customs examination, payment of customs duty, etc.

Documents involved are of two kinds.

a) Export Documentation

These are purchase orders from the buyer, sales invoice, packing list, shipping bill, Bill of Lading or air waybill, Certificate of Origin and any other specific documentation as specified by the buyer, or as required by financial institutions or LC (Letter of Credit) terms or as per importing country regulations.

b) Import Documentation

These include Purchase Order (PO) from Buyer, sales invoice of the supplier, Bill of Entry, Bill of Lading or Air waybill, Packing List, Certificate of Origin, and any other specific documentation required by the buyer, or financial institution or the importing country regulation.

2) Insurance

Since there is a lot of risk in freight forwarding, the service provides for freight forwarder liability insurance coverage to parties like freight and logistics operators, relocation companies, custom house brokers, warehouse keepers, road carriers.

3) Packing

Freight forwarders now and then also help in packaging and preparing products for export. Various types of goods require different types of packaging. For example, goods to be transported within the country require different compared to goods moving across international boundaries. Various goods need to remain in specific conditions to remain in a usable condition in transit as well.

Specific temperature, heat and pressure conditions should be handled with the utmost care, also keeping the costs down. All these needs are taken care of by freight forwarders. Transportation Management system(TMS) is currently being used to maintain transparent visibility whenever the shipment is in transit.

4) Labeling

Labeling of packages is essential to avoid important goods to be misplaced. Every labeled package must contain basic information about the package :

  1. An organized list of contents in the shipping container
  2. Information about hazardous and perishable items
  3. Country of origin
  4. Correct weight, in SI units/British units preferably.
  5.  Details about Port of entry
  6. Any other essential details about the handling of goods in the language of the destination country.

5) Storage/Warehousing

Certain freight forwarders may have their own warehouses to harbor commodities, but in maximum cases warehouse is provided by a comfortably positioned affiliate.

6) Inventory management

Utilization of experience and relationship with other shipment firms to reap maximum benefits at a limited cost.

Importance of A Freight Forwarder

Why exactly do we need a freight forwarder in the first place? The current section answers this in detail.

  • Apt knowledge about shipping companies, custom laws, and paperwork is a freight forwarder’s first and foremost strength.
  • A freight forwarder is a one-stop solution that provides a wide range of services required for hassle-free shipping so that you don’t have to run from door to door.
  • It takes the burden off you and saves you a lot of time while providing you safe, reliable, authorized shipping at competitive prices.
  • A freight forwarder comes to the rescue when you have little idea about international shipping standards and customs duties.
  • Freight forwarders can take the business to a whole new level by delivering the goods at the desired destination on time, saving you money in the process compared to doing it in an unorganized manner.
  • Many freight forwarders provide free services (without an additional cost). Some of these services could be warehouse storage, cargo tracking, cargo insurance and handling of perishable goods. Asking about the free services and making use of them can facilitate shipping to a great extent.
  • Freight forwarders are known to have excellent customer service and personal communication par excellence.
  • There might be some freight forwarders that specialize in a specific type of cargo, while others could provide services in all varieties of cargo. Choosing specialized freight forwarders can be more beneficial compared to others since they have prior experience of identifying and handling the type of cargo you have.

Additional Aspects Of Freight Forwarding

  • Freight forwarding companies adhere to strict regulations. Some of these companies may not deal with the shipping of a selected category of goods. These categories mostly include:
    a) Dangerous Goods (including flammable liquid and toxic items)
    b) Drugs (prescription and recreational)
    c) Alcohol
    d) Batteries
    e) Perishable items (except for those on special express delivery)
    f) Sharp objects
  • Freight forwarder companies are not shipping firms. Any inconvenience in the shipping of goods is not the fault of freight forwarder.
  • Maintaining a good relationship with the freight forwarder is crucial to your business since they have a widespread network that can help you further to expand your horizons.
  • The paperwork should be completed to the full and without any errors. This will help you smoothen out the shipping process without any repercussions. It will also make the work of your freight forwarder easier.
  • Breaking down freight forwarding has the following main stages:
    a) Export haulage – It involves the transfer of goods from its original source/manufacturer to the freight forwarder’s warehouse.
    b) Export customs clearance – Ensures that goods receive clearance to leave their country of origin. All the necessary paperwork for export is completed and customs duties are paid.
    c) Origin handling – the unloading, inspection, and validation of the cargo against the authorized documents.
    d) Import customs clearance – the customs import paperwork for your cargo will be checked by the authorities.
    e) Destination handling – It involves the handling of the goods cargo once it reaches the destination office, including transfer to the import warehouse.
    f) Import haulage – It involves the transfer of the goods cargo from the import warehouse to its final destination.

Types of Freight Forwarding

1) Sea freight

Sea freight services allow goods to shipped across international waters. There are various types of sea freight services:-

  1. FCL stands for Full Container Load and refers to one 20ft, 40ft or 45ft container filled with cargo as well as flat racks and open-top containers.
  2. LCL stands for Less than Container Load and refers to a shipment that doesn’t fill a standard container. The container is loaded with cargo from multiple consignees who share the container space to make it more economical.
  3. RORO stands for Roll On, Roll Off and is the easiest and cheapest option for car shipping or transporting any vehicle. Vehicles are driven straight onto the RORO ship and securely blocked, braced, and tied down inside the ship where it is windproof and watertight, to ensure complete security.
  4. Dry bulk shipping includes the transportation of dry bulk cargoes that are unpacked and homogeneous so that they can be dropped or poured into the hold of a bulk carrier. Dry bulk cargoes mostly contain farm produce and raw materials including coal, biomass, metal, and aggregates as well as grains and sugar.

2) Road freight

Also known as road haulage,  road freight refers to the transport of goods through roadways. It is the most common way of domestic shipping. It is of two kinds:

  1. LTL stands for Less than Truckload Freight. It is generally chosen to transport cargoes of lesser size.
  2. FTL stands for Full Truck Load Freight. It is either chosen by businesses that have bigger goods or time constraints or delicate goods to be shipped.

3) Rail freight

When goods are shipped through means of trains, or group of trains, it is referred to as rail freight.

5) Airfreight

When goods are shipped by means of airplanes or helicopters, it is called Air freight services.

6) Consolidators

Consolidators combine packages from many different shippers into one load that is shipped as a unit to the destinations’ local Post Office, often saving shippers money in the process. From there, the packages enter the local mail stream and are delivered to their final destination.

5) Customs brokers

Customs brokers are international trade experts who are responsible for preparing and clearing a customs entry upon shipment arrival to a port of entry. These professionals are well versed with the import regulations of a country and hence, are engaged by many organizations.

Top Global Freight Forwarders

from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/freight-forwarder/

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Top 12 MINDBLOWING Ocean Mysteries And Phenomena!

Oceans are still a mystery for humans. Large swathes and depths of the sea are still untouched and unvisited by us. And their lurks many puzzles, creatures, ocean mysteries, and natural phenomena.

Let’s talk about some of these solved and unsolved ocean mysteries that defy our eyes!

1) The Bermuda Triangle

The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle
The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mysterious as well as a popular phenomenon in the whole world. It is also one of the oldest sea mysteries which dates back to the times of Christopher Columbus. It is a region in the Caribbean Sea where a lot of ships and aircrafts have gone missing. There are several theories that have been put forward in order to explain these disappearances. It happens to be one of the twelve vile vertices on the earth.

Many of the theories say that the disappearances occur because of the strong electromagnetic effect of the earth in the regions. Some people claim to have seen mysterious, paranormal incidents happening in the region. Some theories even go towards the extra-terrestrial. We still do not know the truth about the Bermuda Triangle, despite the many claims.

2) Bioluminescence



Bioluminescence is a natural phenomenon in which a living organism causes the production and emission of light. It occurs because of a chemical reaction that produces light energy in the body of an organism and thus emits light. It is a type of chemiluminescence. This is a widely occurring phenomenon especially in Marine vertebrates and invertebrates, some fungi and bioluminescent bacteria.

In this phenomenon, the sea appears to have lit up. Some sailors called the phenomena as “The Burning Sea“.  It occurs very commonly among animals in the open sea like fish, jellyfish, bacteria, and fungi. start there are about 1500 species of fish that are known to produce luminescence.

3) Pororoca


Pororoca is a term used for a tidal bore. it has ways that can be up to 4 m high and can travel as far as 800 kilometers. This phenomenon occurs upstream of the Amazon River and its adjacent rivers.

During the nights of the full moon and new moon, the ocean tide is at the highest and the water flows in from the Atlantic instead of going the other way around. The flow of the Amazon reverses. The distance of this largely depends on the rainwater generated outflow of the river. A water bulge also speeds upstream with great force hence causing this phenomenon with an audible noise.

This phenomenon can be best observed during a bi-annual equinox which takes place in September and March. In this period the moon and the sun or in direct alignment with the Earth and the gravitational pull are combined.

The phenomenon is especially popular with surfers. Every year an annual surfing championship is held here. However, surfing in these tides can be dangerous as the water may contain a lot of debris and dangerous fauna.

4) Bimini Road

Bimini Road
Bimini Road

Bimini Road is an underwater rock formation located near the North Bimini island in the Bahamas. It is also called the Bimini Wall.

It is a long North East south west linear feature with a length of 0.8 km. It is composed of somewhat rectangular limestone blocks. Its origins are not clearly known. However, some theories claim that this feature could be a wall, a breakwater, a road, a pier or any other man-made structure.

It was discovered in 1968 by 3 divers. Carbon dating tells us that this feature was made by geological forces and not by humans. Still, some people claim that this could be the location of the lost city of Atlantis.

5) Steaming Black Sea

Phenomena of the Steaming Black Sea, more commonly known as sea smoke, frost smoke or steam fog is a natural phenomenon that is formed by the movement of very cold air over warm water.
In this, a light wind of very cold gets mixed with a shallow layer of saturated warm air which lies right above the warm water of the ocean. When the warm air can no longer hold so much of vapors the excess of it condenses out. This is similar to the production of steam over a hot bath.

This phenomenon appears to be turbulent. Sometimes it may even form spiraling columns. Sea smoke columns as high as 20 to 30 m in height have been observed. It is very common in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

6) Julia Sound

Julia Sound was a weird noise which was recorded on 1st March 1999 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, thought to be from somewhere around Antarctica. It was an eerie noise that sounded almost like someone cooling or whining. It lasted for about 15 seconds.

It was so loud that it could be heard from Antarctica till the Equatorial Pacific Ocean autonomous hydrophone array. The NOAA believes that the source of the sound could be a large iceberg that had run aground off. It is on the list of some of the spookiest and most mysterious sounds recorded in the ocean.

7) Baltic Sea Anomaly

Baltic Sea Anomaly
Baltic Sea Anomaly pic: Hauke Vagt

The Baltic Sea anomaly is nothing by the interpretations of an indistinct sonar image. It was accidentally discovered by the diving team in 2011. They claim to have found a 60 m thick circular entity about 90 m deep into the Baltic Sea.

The object seems to have unusual features and a non-natural origin. Some people believe that it is a sunken UFO. Scientist believes that the image is nothing but a geological formation. The divers also claim that attract that seems to be directed towards this object also exists. The length of the track is nearly 300 m.

Despite the many interpretations and media attention that this has received, scientists do not believe that the origin of this object could be extra-terrestrial. However, this still remains one of the most intriguing and unsolved mysteries of the oceans.

8) Green Flashes

Green Flashes
Green Flashes pic: Chris Mannerino

Green flashes are meteorological optical phenomena occurring in the oceans usually just before sunrise or after sunset. They can also occur over the top of clouds and mountains. A distinct green spot is visible for a few seconds above the upper room of the sun’s disc.

This may also occasionally resemble a green Ray shooting up from the point of sunrise or sunset. This phenomenon only takes place when the conditions are right. It happens because the earth’s atmosphere causes the light from the sun to separate into distinct colors. It can be called a natural prismatic effect.

Green classes are usually seen at unobstructed horizons, and hence usually take place over oceans. A green flash was photographed in color for the first time in 1960 from a Vatican Observatory.

 9) The convergence of Baltic and North Seas

Convergence of Baltic and North Seas
Convergence of Baltic and North Seas

This is an oceanic phenomenon in which the Baltic Sea and the North Seas are visibly converging. However, there is no visible barrier present. The only barrier present is a chemical difference in salinity. It is known as a halocline. We can see the two different appearances of the seas.

We can say that the two seas do not mix because they have different rates of densities of water. The Baltic Sea mostly contains freshwater from a large land catch basin whereas the North Sea, which comes from the Danish Straits, is more saline in nature. This conversion takes place in the province of Skagen, Denmark.

Sometimes, surface mixing of the seas takes place because of regional temperature variations but in general, the seas are permanently separated. There is a lot of complicated chemistry involved in this phenomenon.

This is an unusual phenomenon and one of the most beautiful ones observed in oceans.

10) Underwater Crop Circles

Crop circles under the ocean, first spotted in 1995 off the southern coasts of Japan, were a matter of great intrigue and discussions for scientists. The locals termed these as mystery circles. These mystery circles actually remain a mystery until 2011.

The answer to this mystery is pufferfish. These species create elaborate circular designs in order to woo females. Scientists say that it is the quality of the circle that can help us determine of female’s mate choice.
Resorts team one observed 10 constructions going on by 4 to 8 male pufferfish. It took them about 7 to 9 days to build a circle. They use their fans to dig in the sandy bottoms. They also decorated the pics which shell and coral fragments.

These patterns also stored sand particles and post them towards the center of the circle which served as a real nest. When the mating is completed, and the eggs hatch, the nests are abandoned by the males and the process continues.

11) Sea Foam

Sea Foam
Sea Foam

Sea foam is a kind of foam created because of the agitation of seawater. It particularly happens when seawater contains higher concentrations of organic matter dissolved in it. This organic matter may come from sources such as algal blooms. Other organic matter maybe proteins, fats, pollutants, detergents, etc present in the water body. Sea form is also called as ocean foam, beach foam or spume.

If we collect this kind of seawater in a glass and shake it vigorously, we will observe small bubbles forming on the surface of the liquid.

Sea form is actually a normal phenomenon and not harmful in any way. However, in the case of algal decay on a grand scale, this sea foam thickens. This can have a harmful impact on human health as well as the environment.

12) Red Tides

Red tides are phenomena caused by algal blooms. In this, the algal blooms become so large in number that coastal waters get discolored by them. This may also cause a depletion of oxygen in the ocean waters other releases of toxins that are harmful to human health and the environment.

Some of the main factors that cause red tides are an increase in ocean surface temperatures, high nutrient contents, calm seas, sunny days after rain and winds, currents or ships which may carry these tides over long distances.

Some of the many countries affected by this phenomenon include Canada, England, Australia, France, India, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, United States, Sweden, Spain etc.

Red tides are harmful because they release toxins in the ocean water. They may also trigger processes like biomagnification or bioaccumulation. They are harmful for aquatic life. give me also spread diseases in human beings such as food poisoning.

Currently, researchers are trying to develop an antidote to the toxins caused by red tides.


  1. http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2013/08/15/underwater-crop-circles-mystery-solved/
  2. https://www.theactivetimes.com/travel/these-mysteries-seas-will-shock-you/slide-9
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_flash

Crop circles under the ocean

from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/ocean-mysteries-and-phenomena/

What Are Rogue Waves?

Leading a successful voyage of a ship is a difficult and challenging affair especially in the middle of the oceans when the waters are most treacherous and perilous than ever. The ships could meet with any kind of obstacles like storms, icebergs for giant waves which main leads to capsizing. This article discusses one such hindrance called rogue waves.

A rogue wave is an enormous and unexpected surface wave. It is extremely dangerous even to large-sized ships. So much so that they are also called freak waves, monster waves, extreme waves, abnormal waves or episodic waves.

The waves are most dangerous because they can occur suddenly and without any warning. There is no way to predict their occurrence and the damage that they can cause may be enough to completely sink the ship. They mostly occur in the areas of the ocean where the waters are the deepest and may also be a result of a number of waves joining together. Their height is much larger than normal waves and it is most of the time, double. They can be as tall as 65 to even 100 feet as compared to the height of an average wave which is 39 feet.

Modern ships today are constructed to be able to tolerate a breaking wave of 15 metric tons per square meter. However, a rogue wave is capable of exerting a pressure of over a hundred metric tons per square meter. This figure is much larger than what the ship is prepared for. Hence the massive damage that they can cause is no surprise.

What causes Rogue waves?

These waves are not a result of earthquakes or tsunamis but are an open water phenomenon caused by winds, currents, solitons or other circumstances. These circumstances cause the wave to form much larger than the average height. The best explanation for this can be the occurrence of a phenomenon called constructive interference in which different waves traveling at different speeds pile up or combined together to form one giant wave.

Rogue waves can also be caused by the influences of strong currents. Currents can make the height of the waves increase and cause them to break. This is an acceptable explanation as rogue waves often occur in areas of the oceans which are known to experience strong currents. They are also common in the Bermuda Triangle and may be one of the explanations for the mysterious disappearances in the area.

Also read: What are water spouts?

How to predict Rogue Waves?

It has been almost impossible to predict the occurrence of rogue waves in the past years. However, modern technology has enabled us to somewhat predict their occurrence. One of the methods to do so is satellite tracking of wave formation. Because of this, it is possible for the crew of the ship to take necessary actions and try to prevent any casualties. Efforts are being made to construct ships that may be able to hold the damage and the pressure that these waves cause.

Rogue waves were considered to the non-existent and mythical in history because of the lack of evidence for their existence. Many people associated the causalities of the wave to be due to supernatural causes.

Today’s science and technology has allowed people to believe that they do exist. However, the precise reason for their occurrence is still not clear. Modern and sophisticated scientific methods have allowed us to somewhat foresee the waves and save lives. In the years to come, science may be able to help us to be immune to these waves to a much larger extent. Until then, ships can only hope to steer a course free from these monstrous waves or be informed about the approaching threat of rogue waves well in advance so as to save as many lives and prevent as much damage as possible.



Pic: https://ift.tt/3epOJUW

from WordPress https://www.maritimemanual.com/rogue-waves/

15 Deepest Parts Of The Ocean

The earth is known as the ‘blue planet’ because of its blue appearance from space. This blue color obviously comes from the oceans on earth ...